
October 18, 2021

Lowering brain iron improves brain health

Older adults who regularly eat foods like fish, nuts, and olive oil may have less iron accumulation in their brains, as well as sharper memories, a […]
October 17, 2021

My Newest Television Feature Launched Last Week

I’m delighted to let you know that my second TV feature on Liftable TV launched last week. It’s a daily short feature called “The Daily Apple: Medical […]
October 16, 2021

What’s the Truth about Ivermectin for COVID?

If you’re like the average person I’ve talked to, you’re really confused about Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID. Some swear by it, some swear at […]
October 15, 2021

To boost weight loss, reduce added sugars and processed carbs

Overeating has traditionally been linked to obesity, but researchers say the real culprit is a diet high in processed sugars and carbohydrates, according to a commentary published in […]
October 14, 2021

Reduce work anxiety with fitness

Researchers say anxiety levels are skyrocketing. Nowhere is stress higher than the uncertain workplace. A Gallup poll reported that 80 percent of American workers suffer from […]
October 13, 2021

Healthy sleep patterns reduce risky heart arrhythmias

Here’s another reason to get a good night’s sleep. According to a new study, healthy sleep patterns may be associated with reduced risk for potentially life-threatening heart […]
October 12, 2021

Being physically active in pregnancy helps the baby

Being physically active during pregnancy may have benefits for infant lung function, according to new research.
October 11, 2021

Can we “make up” lost sleep?

It is common knowledge that sleep is essential for health. However, new research suggests that the ability to readily “catch up” on lost sleep later is […]
June 3, 2009

Larimore Family Newsletter – June 2009 Edition

Family Update Dr. Walt Named in “Guide to America’s Top Family Doctors” Dr. Walt Finally on Facebook Publication Update New Title for Dr. Walt’s First Novel: […]
June 5, 2009

Updated pregnancy weight gain guidelines

As a family physician, I had the honor and unmitigated privilege of attending the birth of over 1500 babies in my career. Each one was a […]
June 5, 2009

Are your teens having trouble getting to sleep? Many are too caffeinated!

According to a new report in Reuters Health, caffeine-fueled teens are texting, web-surfing, and gaming for hours into the night, which is affecting their alertness and […]
June 8, 2009

When it comes to fast food, how can you make better choices for you and your family?

Fast food may be inexpensive and convenient, but it is often high in calories, fat, sugar, and salt. Being highly processed, it may be low in […]
June 8, 2009

An easier way to diagnosis diabetes is announced. I highly recommend it.

A blood test physicians use regularly to check the average blood sugar levels in people with diabetes is now being recommended as a tool to diagnose […]
June 10, 2009

Trustworthy consumer websites for NATURAL MEDICATION info (herbs, vitamins, and supplements)

How can you make informed choices about natural medications (herbs, vitamins, and supplements)? For one thing, don’t get your information from ads or labels! There is […]
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