
February 16, 2024

February 16, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero’s future units pinned down on Anzio

On February 16, 1944, the Germans had completely surrounded the Allies that were pinned down on the Anzio Beachhead — which the men quickly named ‘The […]
February 15, 2024

February 15, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero ships out to Naples

In Oran, Phil was among 200 infantry lieutenants who boarded the Highland Queen, a small British steamer bound for Naples, Italy. He was part of a […]
February 13, 2024

February 13, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero rides a train to the war

Orders were issued for 1,000 men, including Phil, to board narrow-gauge railroad cars for a three-day train ride across Morocco and Algeria to Oran, a major […]
February 12, 2024

February 12, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero rides a famous Berber war horse in Morocco

Phil had written his mother about letting “a cute girl that I met near camp teach me French.” He also learned from her about a Moroccan […]
February 11, 2024

February 11, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero writes home from French Morocco

While Phil  and the thousands of replacements in camp with him waited in French Morocco for their assignments, the war waged in Europe without them. Phil […]
February 10, 2024

February 10, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero arrives in North Africa

On the Liberty Ship, 18-year-old, Phil Larimore, the youngest commissioned Army officer in World War II, stood on the deck and watched his homeland disappear over […]
February 9, 2024

My “Ask Dr. Walt” column in Today’s Christian Living on over-the-counter hearing aids and health risks from Wi-Fi routers

I enjoy writing a bi-monthly column for the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine. In the January issue I address over-the-counter hearing aids, health risk from […]
February 7, 2024

Meet the Larimores (magazine article about our family)

Barb and I were honored to have been featured in the Northern Springs Living magazine in January.
June 12, 2008

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked to Lower Macular Degeneration Risk

  According to MedPage, a new meta-analysis shows that consuming high levels of omega-3 fatty acids (by eating fish twice a week) was associated with a […]
June 12, 2008

Parents are beginning to clean up their kids’ nutrition acts

USA Today also reports that parents are beginning to clean up their nutrition acts when it comes to the snacks they serve their children. Fruit is […]
June 12, 2008

Teen survey shows virginity pledges can work

  USA Today is reporting a three-year RAND Corp. study showing that virginity pledges do deter some teens from having sex. Of 1,517 adolescents ages 12 […]
June 12, 2008

Oregon Offers to Pay for Cancer Patient to Kill Herself

  Family News in Focus is reporting that a patient in Oregon, dying of lung cancer, has been denied payment for any more drug treatment. But, […]
June 12, 2008

FDA Official Says Baby Bottles With Bisphenol A Safe

According to the Associated Press, the FDA is declaring that “Plastic baby bottles and water bottles are safe.” Thus, the FDA is seeking to ease public […]
June 12, 2008

Accuracy of mammography varies by facility

  Reuters is reporting new research suggesting that the correct interpretation of mammography results varies between facilities. Moreover, there are characteristics that predict which facilities are […]
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