
April 14, 2010

Acupuncture may provide some relief from depression during pregnancy

The New York Times reported in “Vital Signs” that, according to a new study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, “acupuncture may provide some relief” from […]
April 14, 2010

TENS judged to be ineffective for low-back pain

Lots of us doctors, and many physical therapists, utilize TENS (transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation) for low back pain. Now a Los Angeles Times “Booster Shots” blog […]
April 12, 2010

Organic: What it actually means on different products

You see the word ‘organic’ more and more. But what does it actually say about what it’s on? Some consumers are more than willing to pay higher […]
April 12, 2010

Dealing With Those All-Too-Public Tantrums

Parents often have a hard time figuring out what to do when their children decide to throw tantrums. It doesn’t help matters that kids often have […]
April 12, 2010

Doctors Say Schools May Be Spreading Misinformation About Homosexuality

The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) is sending a letter to school superintendents asking that they not tell students who may experience same-sex attractions to simply […]
April 9, 2010

“Fat dissolving” spa treatments do no such thing

So-called “fat dissolving treatments” offered by spas do NOT eliminate fat and the companies should stop saying so — at least according to a press release […]
April 9, 2010

Forgotten Study: Child Abuse in Schools 100 Times Worse than by Priests

I appreciated a report from reminding me of a study that had fallen off my radar. No doubt, you’re aware that in the last several […]
April 9, 2010

Teen Birth Rates Fall After Two Year Increase, Abstinence Education Credited

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Say Abstinence Effective, Want Parents Involved Multiple news reports are trumpeting the fact that teen birth rates fell in 2008 after […]
January 21, 2011

Friends May Be Key to Churchgoers’ Happiness

Regular churchgoers may lead more satisfying lives than stay-at-home folks because they create a network of close friends who provide important support, a new study suggests. Conducted […]
January 24, 2011

New Guidelines for Diagnosing and Treating Food Allergies

This rather long post will be of primary interest to those treating and suffering with food allergies. Primarily, the new guidelines aim to standardize diagnosis and […]
January 24, 2011

MRI scans of the brain may help scientists better understand autism

Bloomberg News reports that a MRI-based “method may help speed up detection and add to knowledge of” autism’s “biological base,” according to a paper in Autism […]
January 24, 2011

Patient treated his bowel disease with parasitic worm eggs

In the “I-can’t-believe-it’s-true” category, the Los Angeles Times “Booster Shots” blog reported, “For several decades, researchers have argued that the growing incidence of autoimmune disease in the […]
January 28, 2011

Institute of Medicine says megadoses of vitamin D, calcium unnecessary

In a front-page article, the New York Times says, “The very high levels of vitamin D and calcium that are often recommended by doctors and testing […]
January 28, 2011

My Take on the new Vitamin D and Calcium Recommendations

You’re likely hearing a fair bit of controversy over the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM’s) new recommendations (RDA) for vitamin D and calcium. I first reported on […]
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