February 17, 2022

Study: Autism diagnosis more likely for boys exposed to more screen time at age one year

I’ve told you in the past of the detrimental effects of too much screen time for children and teens. Now comes a very concerning study about […]
February 12, 2012

Analysis suggests proposed changes to autism definition would exclude many

A possible change in the definition of autism and one top expert says the change could, quote, “make these autism epidemic go away.”
January 18, 2012

Demand for ABA therapy growing for children with autism

Recently, the Los Angeles Times ran a very nice four-part series on autism in an effort to understand reasons for the burgeoning rates of autism spectrum […]
November 3, 2010

Autism and Childhood Vaccinations: The Myth is Finally Debunked

In a number of previous blogs, I’ve discussed vaccine myths, in an attempt to bring you information about vaccines that is reliable, trustworthy, and medically accurate. […]
August 23, 2010

U.K. bans doctor who linked autism to MMR vaccine

In past blogs, I’ve exposed what I consider to be the unethical and unscrupulous actions of Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his so-called autism research. Here are […]
July 21, 2010

Low immunization rates linked to epidemic spread of whooping cough

Barb, my wife, reported to me that friends who are expecting a baby very soon, have informed those who may be visiting or caring for the […]
April 25, 2010

Should Kids take Fish Oil Supplements?

All the talk about the benefits of omega-3s has parents asking whether CHILDREN should take fish oil supplements. Omega-3s are important for neurodevelopment … and they’re now […]
March 18, 2010

Court once again rejects theory that vaccines cause autism

A federal court has determined that the theory that thimerosal-containing vaccines cause autism is “scientifically unsupportable,” and that the families of children diagnosed with the condition […]
March 12, 2010

Though unproven, 1 in 4 parents believes vaccines cause autism

The New York Times, in Vital Signs, reports that one in four parents “think some vaccines cause autism in healthy children, and nearly one in eight […]
March 12, 2010

Parents Often Miss Subtle Autism Signs

Action Points Explain to interested parents that autism may progress more slowly and subtly than previously thought. Note that parents often miss regressive symptoms of autism […]
May 27, 2009

Reader wants more proof on vaccine safety

A reader recently wrote: Hi Dr Walt I am having trouble finding a peer review or non drug company funded study proving that vaccines work out of […]
February 12, 2009

Special court rules against families who claim vaccines caused autism

According to an AP report today, a special court has ruled rather dramatically against three sets of parents with autistic children, saying that vaccines are absolutely […]