
February 8, 2012

Daily sugared cola consumption increases belly and liver fat

Reuters reports that according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consumption of a liter of sugared cola on a daily basis […]
February 7, 2012

Eating frequently may lead to less weight gain in girls

Reuters reports that according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, girls who ate meals and snacks frequently gained less weight than […]
February 7, 2012

Need to exercise more? This may help you now!

Health and fitness experts have for years tried to entice people to exercise more by flogging long-range benefits such as losing weight or avoiding long-term illness […]
February 6, 2012

For women who imbibe, red wine may be healthier option

When it comes to the consumption of alcohol, the message has been decidedly mixed. Some studies show that moderate consumption might offer some health benefits, especially […]
February 6, 2012

Study: Soda tax reduces obesity-related illness

The National Journal reports, “A tax on sugary soft drinks could discourage consumption just enough to save 26,000 people from dying of strokes, heart attacks, or […]
February 5, 2012

Larimore Family Newsletter – February 2012

Here are the contents of this month’s Family Newsletter: Walt’s Books On Sale Family Update Publication Update 1) Walt’s New Devotional 2) Article in Significant Living […]
February 5, 2012

Divorced adults have higher risk of early death

USA Today /Arizona Republic reports that a meta-analysis in published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science reviewed “more than 30 published studies” and “found divorced […]
February 3, 2012

Occasional marijuana use may not damage lungs

The Washington Post “The Checkup” blog reports, “Smoking marijuana doesn’t appear to do the kind of damage to people’s lungs as smoking tobacco does,” according to […]
August 11, 2009

It’s time for civility in the healthcare reform debate, especially from the intolerant left

The ongoing debate over the current White House health-care plan has been revealing an ugly dark side of the current administration. We now see that behind […]
August 11, 2009

White House Reality Check Web Site Doesn’t Dispute Abortion in Health Care Plan

President Barack Obama’s administration has released a new web site to supposedly debunk the myths opponents are using to criticize the Congressional health care proposals he […]
August 12, 2009

Television Viewing Linked to Blood Pressure Increases in Children

In the past I’ve discussed the studies showing that the more screen time kids have (TV, Internet, video games, cell phone), the more likely they are […]
August 12, 2009

10 Reasons Married Women May Not Have A Satisfying Sex Life

Are you married and yet find that your sexual relationship with your spouse has fallen off or is non-existent? Well, you’re not alone. Men and women […]
August 13, 2009

Under Obamacare bureaucrats would play God

In my blog of three days ago, “One side says no ‘death panel’ in health care bill,” I showed you an Associated Press story that blasted […]
August 13, 2009

Surgical techniques may help alleviate migraines

When I first read the medical headlines saying that there was a surgery in which 83% of the patients reported at least a 50 percent reduction […]
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