
April 19, 2010

Study Finds Unborn Babies Respond to Mother’s Mood

The more we learn about the unborn child, the more miraculous and amazing they seem to be. Now, a study out of Nagasaki, Japan, tells us […]
April 19, 2010

Premature baby ‘Tom Thumb’ born at 25 weeks weighing half a pound survives

German doctors have revealed photographs of the smallest premature baby boy to have survived against incredible odds after being born at 25 weeks weighing just over […]
April 17, 2010

Larimore Monthly Prayer Letter – April 17, 2010

This prayer letter will cover from April 15 through June 15 (It’s a two-month prayer letter). PRAISES: Article in Revive Magazine – Mentored by a Milker […]
April 16, 2010

Mentored By A Milker Of Cows

I’ve written an article about my dear friend and mentor, Bill Judge, for Revive Magazine. It’s called “Mentored By A Milker Of Cows.” You can read […]
April 16, 2010

Praying for Our Unborn Children and Grandchildren

When Scott (our son) and his wife, Jennifer, were pregnant with their first child (Anna Kate), we were visiting with our dear friends, Boone and Peggy […]
April 16, 2010

‘No child left on his or her fat behind’

Also, while in Kearney, Nebraska, this week, a reporter from the local paper came to one of my two talks on the topic of “Childhood Obesity: […]
April 16, 2010

TV Interview: Super Sized Kids and Childhood Obesity

Earlier this week I was in the Kearney, Nebraska area to speak twice on the topic of “Childhood Obesity: Practical Tips for Busy Families.” The Two […]
April 14, 2010

Walking Plus Glucosamine Sulfate May Improve Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

A 30-minute walk taken at least 3 days a week combined with glucosamine sulfate supplements may reduce symptoms of mild to moderate hip or knee osteoarthritis […]
January 19, 2011

Tai Chi May Provide Arthritis Relief, But At What Spiritual Cost?

Arthritis patients may gain physical and emotional relief from the ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi, finds a new study, the largest of its kind. This […]
January 19, 2011

Lower-Priced Resveratrol Supplements Pass Quality Tests While Some Higher-Priced Brands Flunk

Nature’s Code has reported that tests of supplements containing resveratrol — a compound promoted as “life-extending” — revealed that two products provided only 43.4% and […]
January 19, 2011

Ella Abortion Drug Falsely Called a “Contraceptive Pill”

The ella® abortion drug has been billed by its distributor, the FDA, and abortion advocates as an improved “emergency contraceptive pill.” It is available across the United […]
January 19, 2011

ObamaCare Repealed in the House

The House of Representatives resumed debate this morning on H.R. 2, legislation to repeal ObamaCare. A final vote came this evening, and it, as expected, passed […]
January 21, 2011

More Transparency at Abortion Clinics May Stop Butchers Like This

A Philadelphia-area abortionist is facing eight murder charges today stemming from an investigation that began after the 2009 death of a 41 year-old woman. When authorities […]
January 21, 2011

Aspirin more effective at preventing cancer deaths than previously thought

In the advertisements for aspirin you see every day on TV and in magazines, they have for years called it a wonder drug. Now, more and […]
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