Colic is the bane of many sleep-deprived parents of newborns — but even though some crying, colicky babies may respond to alternative medicine remedies their use […]
My previous blogs on airport scanners (see list below) have been particularly popular among readers for obvious reasons. Now, Bloomberg News is reporting, “Airport body scanners pose little […]
For patients with occluding earwax, self-irrigation with a bulb syringe significantly reduces subsequent demand for ear irrigation by health professionals, according to the results of a […]
Maqui berry (pronounced “mah-kee”) is one of the hottest new berries being marketed for “weight loss,” “detoxification,” and for “general health.” But, does it work? Or […]
The AP is reporting that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued separate but consistent” new recommendations about car safety […]
The AP reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued separate but consistent” new recommendations about the use of […]
The AP reports the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued separate but consistent” new recommendations about child booster seats.
In past blogs I’ve warned parents, “‘Baby Einstein’ or ‘Brainy Baby’ may turn your baby into anything but,” and “Don’t Count on DVDs to Improve Your […]
If parents falsely think that their children are normal weight, when in fact they are overweight or obese, then they are unlikely to do anything to […]
Colic is the bane of many sleep-deprived parents of newborns — but even though some crying, colicky babies may respond to alternative medicine remedies their use […]
My previous blogs on airport scanners (see list below) have been particularly popular among readers for obvious reasons. Now, Bloomberg News is reporting, “Airport body scanners pose little […]
For patients with occluding earwax, self-irrigation with a bulb syringe significantly reduces subsequent demand for ear irrigation by health professionals, according to the results of a […]
Maqui berry (pronounced “mah-kee”) is one of the hottest new berries being marketed for “weight loss,” “detoxification,” and for “general health.” But, does it work? Or […]
The AP is reporting that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued separate but consistent” new recommendations about car safety […]
The AP reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued separate but consistent” new recommendations about the use of […]
The AP reports the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued separate but consistent” new recommendations about child booster seats.
In past blogs I’ve warned parents, “‘Baby Einstein’ or ‘Brainy Baby’ may turn your baby into anything but,” and “Don’t Count on DVDs to Improve Your […]
If parents falsely think that their children are normal weight, when in fact they are overweight or obese, then they are unlikely to do anything to […]