
December 14, 2011

NEWS: Devotional website from Dr. Walt launches December 19

NEWS: I’m launching a new twice-a-day devotional on December 19. I hope you’ll sign up for it.
December 14, 2011

Amazing: EEG detects awareness in patients in vegetative state

The New York Times reports, “Three severely brain-injured people thought to be in an irreversible ‘vegetative’ state showed signs of full consciousness when tested with a relatively […]
December 13, 2011

Panel recommends cholesterol testing for all kids

In June I told you in this blog that “all children should be screened for high cholesterol when they’re 9 to 11 years old according to […]
December 13, 2011

Sweetened beverage consumption associated with hypertension risk

MedPage Today reports, “Consuming beverages flavored with either sugar or artificial sweeteners was associated with a higher risk of developing hypertension,” according to research presented at […]
December 12, 2011

Zinc for the common cold—not if, but when

A new Cochrane Review finds that zinc supplementation CAN reduce the duration and severity of a cold SOME, but ONLY if it’s started early on.
December 11, 2011

Busted: Top five flu myths

‘Tis the season for colder weather, impending family gatherings, holiday preparations … and sick days caused by colds and the flu. Along with flu season comes the […]
December 11, 2011

Cold and Flu Old Wives’ Tales Debunked

Was mom’s stay-well advice right? Don’t go out with wet hair. Rest. Cover your mouth when you cough.
December 9, 2011

Simple lifestyle changes dramatically cut risk for type 2 diabetes

USA Today reported, “Making just ONE key lifestyle change can cut your chances of developing type 2 diabetes by roughly one-third.”
October 2, 2009

How to Keep Normal Labor Normal – Part 4 – Partners

This blog series is designed to help women who are developing a birth plan join together with like-minded birthing professionals so as to have a shorter […]
October 5, 2009

Welcome Sarah Elisabeth

Today, at 859 am, Sarah Elisabeth Larimore was born, via C-section, at Emory Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a remarkable event and a special blessing.
October 5, 2009

How to Catch the 2009 H1N1 (Swine) Flu

What’s the single most efficient way to catch H1N1 swine flu? OK, that’s a no-brainer. Having a sick person cough directly into your face cannot be […]
October 7, 2009

Spare the Rod? Is Spanking a Child Harmful or Helpful? – Part 4 – Does spanking teach a child that anger and frustration justify the use of physical force?

Opposition to parents spanking their children has been growing significantly in elite circles over the past few years. And, my blogs on spanking are among the […]
October 7, 2009

Prevention may not cut healthcare costs

Bloomberg News is reporting that while both Democrats and Republicans are asserting in the healthcare debate that “prevention saves money.” However, “economists and policy analysts who study […]
October 7, 2009

Do you want more back and foot pain? Wear heels!

Care about the future of your feet? You might want to consider your shoe choices carefully, new research shows.
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