The Los Angeles Times “Booster Shots” blog reports a study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise suggesting that Pilates is “as […]
USA Today reports that “when … things don’t work, and when women are miserable (not everyone is), most doctors will offer a prescription” and “the first […]
The Wall Street Journal reports that according to a six-year study of some 442 Swiss patients published in the Archives of Surgery, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery […]
There’s Interesting new research out about how infants learn to talk. While they tend gaze directly into the eyes of those holding them until the age […]
Reuters reports that according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consumption of a liter of sugared cola on a daily basis […]
Reuters reports that according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, girls who ate meals and snacks frequently gained less weight than […]
Health and fitness experts have for years tried to entice people to exercise more by flogging long-range benefits such as losing weight or avoiding long-term illness […]
When it comes to the consumption of alcohol, the message has been decidedly mixed. Some studies show that moderate consumption might offer some health benefits, especially […]
A fertilized human egg at the moment of conception looks like a simple, single-celled blob no bigger than a pinhead. How can anyone actually consider this […]
What an interesting new study. It concludes that to dramatically reduce your healthcare costs, to lengthen your life, to improve the quality of your life, and, […]
NBC Nightly News last night, in their lead story, reported, “Government health officials have been brainstorming for weeks now, working on guidelines for what is expected […]
I’m pleased to announce that my first novel, co-written with my dear friend, Paul McCusker, has been released by Howard Books and Simon and Schuster. More […]
In my new book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People, (available about 9/1//09I discuss how “toxic attitudes” can lead to disease, dysfuntion, and disorder. Now, a […]
My patients suffering with perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms often wonder about the safety and effectiveness of hormone therapy or botanicals (such as black cohosh and red […]
Although President Obama has said there is not abortion funding in the healthcare reform legislation, now both liberal and conservative media sources say he is being […]
The Christian Medical Association (CMA), the nation’s largest faith-based organization of physicians, today warned of the potential for pro-suicide ideology to seep into law and government […]