
September 7, 2021

Physical activity, screen time tied to teen well-being

Researchers surveyed over a half-million youths ages 11 to 15 and found that girls who spent an hour a day on devices such TVs, cellphones, computers, […]
September 6, 2021

Eat one hot dog and your life could be 36 minutes shorter

Researchers at the University of Michigan evaluated more than 5,800 foods and their impact on human health and the environment. Among their surprising discoveries was that […]
September 3, 2021

Magnet sets that injure kids recalled

The Washington Post reported the Consumer Product Safety Commission “announced … a recall for two brands of high-powered magnet sets [Zen Magnets and Neoballs].”
September 2, 2021

Getting out of your chair every 30 minutes improves health

HealthDay reports research suggesting “that getting out of your chair every half hour may help improve your blood sugar levels and your overall health.”
September 1, 2021

Some Call Christians Hypocrites and Here’s a Glaring Example

I’m a Christian, grateful to be a follower of Jesus. This is my tribe. Many outside the tribe call us hypocrites. Today I learned of a […]
August 31, 2021

Earlier Dinner Better for Kids and Parents

According to a report from the Institute of Family Studies, having dinner as a family is an important part of a family routine. Shared meals are a […]
August 30, 2021

Children Eating Too Many Dangerous Foods

I’ve told you before about the dangers of too much ultra-processed food in your diet. A new study reports that  “ultra-processed foods made up two-thirds of […]
August 29, 2021

A New Episode of “Ask Dr. Walt” on Liftable TV — Spiritual Health

LiftableTV has posted a new episode of “Ask Dr. Walt,” titled, “Spiritual Health.” 
July 2, 2009

How to feed your baby right, even before birth

Our daughter-in-law, Jennifer, and son, Scott, are expecting their second child (our second grandchild) in November. So, if you’ve noticed an increase in prenatal posts in […]
July 2, 2009

A Vaccine for the H1N1 Swine Flu: The Race is On — And What it May Mean for You

The U.S. is racing to make huge supplies of swine flu vaccine — and trying to figure out who needs it most — even as the […]
July 3, 2009

Routine Prostate Cancer Screening May Be More Harmful Than Helpful

Most of my male patients are confused about all the recent information for and against prostate cancer screening using the PSA blood test. What’s the latest […]
July 3, 2009

Excess Pounds, but Not Too Many, May Lead to Longer Life

As we head into the July 4th holiday weekend, readers may not be thinking too much about their waist circumference or those excess pounds. But, given […]
July 3, 2009

Dr. Walt and Barb featured on Focus on the Family

Barb and I are scheduled to be featured on the Focus on the Family Radio Broadcast on Monday, July 6. We are to be interviewed on […]
July 6, 2009

Federal investigators uncover major problems with chelation study

I’ve written about chelation for many years. In my book, Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook, I conclude, “Evidence against (chelation’s) effectiveness in heart disease is so clear, […]
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