
July 23, 2010

Letter from Professor about the Family Physician Academy and Coke

In a past blog of mine (Partnership Between Family Physicians and Coca-Cola Poses Ethical Problem) I wrote, “What does my national academy of family physicians, the […]
July 23, 2010

Choosing the Best Sunscreen – Consumer Reports Recommendations

With summer upon us, it’s time to stock up on sunscreen for the season. To help navigate the vast selection crowding store shelves and to ensure […]
July 23, 2010

Choosing the Best Sunscreen – Health Magazine Recommendations

If you’re heading outside this summer, bring sunscreen. But with so many choices on the shelves, how can you choose which one is best for you […]
July 23, 2010

No evidence sunscreen use promotes skin cancer

On the NBC Nightly News (May 25, 2010), NBC medical correspondent Nancy Snyderman, MD, discussed sunscreen use, disputing a charge made by an environmental group that […]
July 23, 2010

Poll: Too many Americans not using sunscreen

Even as summer temperatures soar, Americans are turning a cold shoulder to sunscreen, according to a poll released recently. According to a report in Reuters Health: Only […]
July 21, 2010

Parents who refuse vaccines put other people’s children in harm’s way

For quite some time, I’d warned parents that not vaccinating their children is not only potentially harmful (or fatal) to their children, but also the children […]
July 21, 2010

Study indicates separate MMR, chickenpox shots may be safer

I hope you’re not getting too tired of all the vaccine-related blogs of today and Monday. Not to worry, on Friday I’ll post several blogs for […]
July 21, 2010

Low immunization rates linked to epidemic spread of whooping cough

Barb, my wife, reported to me that friends who are expecting a baby very soon, have informed those who may be visiting or caring for the […]
November 3, 2010

Government warns parents not to use baby sleep positioners

The government is warning parents and caregivers to stop using infant sleep positioners — those soft fabric products that anxious parents put in the crib to […]
November 3, 2010

Larimore Family Newsletter – November 2010

Here are the contents of our Family Newsletter: Holiday Gifts Family Update Publication Update New Writing Schedule for Hazel Creek Continuing to Write Guy Talk Nice […]
November 5, 2010

8 Tips for Eating Healthy During Menopause

Good news! Aging does not have to equal weight gain. Women do tend to put on a pound a year in their 40s and 50s, but […]
November 5, 2010

POM, Vitamin Water, and SoBe Have Made Misleading Claims According to Experts

It has a sleek, curvy bottle, features the juice from an exotic fruit and has a catchy name, but according to both government and consumer agencies, […]
November 5, 2010

Anastasha’s Birth and Death – Wonderful Videos

Anastasha Kalil DeLisi, the daughter of Craig and Tonya DeLisi, was born with and died from anencephaly on her and her mother’s birthday: October 26, 2010. […]
November 6, 2010

Replace Smoke and CO Alarm Batteries This Weekend for Daylight Saving Time

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging consumers to replace their smoke alarm and carbon monoxide (CO) alarm batteries this weekend as clocks are […]
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