
October 14, 2009

Spare the Rod? Is Spanking a Child Harmful or Helpful? – Part 5 – Is appropriate spanking harmful to a child?

Opposition to parents spanking their children has been growing significantly in elite circles over the past few years. And, my blogs on spanking are among the […]
October 14, 2009

Physician calls for increased FDA regulation of dietary supplements

In my book, Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook, I lament the lack of regulation of dietary supplements in the U.S. Because of this lack, it’s very […]
October 14, 2009

ObamaCare Full of Contradictions

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has an excellent column in Human Events analyzing the obvious contradictions in ObamaCare. Here are a few excerpts:
October 13, 2009

Handwashing to prevent the flu: What water temperature and how long?

Most of you should be aware, by now, that frequent hand washing not only helps protect you from the flu, but also a variety of other […]
October 13, 2009

Parents, if you don’t immunize your child to Swine flu, you need to know this

Parents who are choosing not to have their child immunized for Swine flu (and, unfortunately, that may be the majority of parents), are being urged to […]
October 12, 2009

Reason Two to Get the Swine Flu Vaccine – It Will Prevent Death

The good news about the Swine flu (2009 H1N1) epidemic is that, so far, it’s been very mild. Most of the patients I’m seeing in the […]
October 12, 2009

Reason One to Get the Swine Flu Vaccine – It’s Safe and Effective

Up to 1/3 of Americans who are asked say that they believe the Swine flu vaccine is not safe and/or it has not been tested enough. […]
October 10, 2009

How to Keep Normal Labor Normal – Part 5 – Professional Birth Attendants

This blog series is designed to help women who are developing a birth plan join together with like-minded birthing professionals so as to have a shorter […]
May 14, 2011

Very few people are naturally “short sleepers”

The Wall Street Journal spotlights so-called natural “short sleepers,” who, according to available studies, comprise about one to three percent of the population. They need roughly five […]
May 15, 2011

Regular fasting reduces heart risks

You are likely aware of folks who regularly fast for spiritual reasons. But, did you know that there are significant phyicals benefits to the discipline of […]
May 15, 2011

An expose on teen sex and dating: What’s really going on and how to talk about It

My dear friend, Andy Braner, is releasing his most recent and explosive book yet. An Expose on Teen Sex and Dating: What’s Really Going On and How […]
May 16, 2011

FREE E-BOOK: This week only!

In a blog yesterday, I told you about a book being released today, “An expose on teen sex and dating: What’s really going on and how […]
May 16, 2011

Men and women truly see things differently

There are still some, particularly ardent feminists, who claim that men and women are innately the same and that gender differences are environmentally acquired. As one […]
May 17, 2011

The pros and cons of pacifier use

Two years I blogged on “Pacifiers for Babies – What are the Risks and Benefits?” Recently, WebMD reported that it “went to pediatricians, parents, therapists, and dentists […]
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