
March 14, 2022

Study: Regular home BP readings are the most accurate at diagnosing hypertension

HealthDay reports, “Regular blood pressure readings at home are more accurate for diagnosing high blood pressure than those taken at a doctor’s office.”
March 13, 2022

SNEAK PEAK – Part Two – The Best Gift: Tales of a Small-Town Doctor Learning Life’s Greatest Lessons

With the permission of my publisher, for the month of March, I’m giving you a SNEAK PEEK of the first four chapters of my latest book […]
March 12, 2022

“At First Light,” my WWII book, releases in about five weeks

The WWII book about my father and his exploits, “At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing […]
March 11, 2022

What to do for the disturbing symptoms of long COVID?

As I told you earlier this week, I’m blessed to be a small part of a great team of healthcare professionals at UCHealth and the University […]
March 10, 2022

More sleep may help adults lose weight

My patients are often surprised to learn that better sleep, along with exercise and good nutrition, helps with weight loss.
March 9, 2022

COVID Booster advice keeps changing so here’s how to figure out what you should do

It’s a privilege to be a part of the wonderful healthcare professionals at UCHealth in Colorado. They recently published some advice, “Making sense of coronavirus vaccine […]
March 8, 2022

Study: No-meat, low-meat diets lower risks of common cancers

HealthDay reports a large study that suggests that people who adhere to no-meat and low-meat diets “may have lower risks of some of the most common cancers.”
March 7, 2022

Getting vaccinated after COVID infection drastically reduces the risk of reinfection

People with a history of COVID-19 who get vaccinated appear to have a dramatically reduced risk of future reinfection.
March 11, 2009

Making Family Meals a Priority Worth the Effort in Every Measurable Way

Most of us think more about what our children are eating than where they’re eating it. Yet, where makes a huge difference. Making family meals a […]
March 11, 2009

For Kids’ Sake, Make Family Meals a Habit

Listen up, kids. Sitting down to eat with your parents night after night might seem like a drag, but over the long run, it’ll be good […]
March 13, 2009

Research suggests wine neither increases nor reduces breast cancer risk

In a recent blog I told you about a study of more than 1.2 million women in the UK that concluded that alcohol consumption may account for […]
March 13, 2009

Faith-Based Health and Healing – Part 6 – Why God’s Response to Prayer Isn’t Always to Heal

Despite what many television preachers tell us, the Bible does not teach that God’s response to a prayer to cure illness is an immediate physical healing. […]
March 16, 2009

Is Prince Charles Endorsing Quackery? His Herbal Detox Products Stir Controversy

In an unusual turn of events, a prominent scientist in the United Kingdom is accusing Prince Charles of contributing to the “ill health of the nation” […]
March 18, 2009

Ironically, the most devout are the most likely to utilize death-to-the-end treatment

The New York Times reports, “Terminally ill cancer patients who drew comfort from religion were far more likely to seek aggressive, life-prolonging care in the week […]
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