
August 26, 2011

Study shows flu vaccine is safe for children

A new study involving over 60,000 children published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine reports that “the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) does NOT seem to […]
August 26, 2011

Kids benefit from flu vaccine via shot or nasal spray, study finds

Children younger than 3 years old receive roughly the same amount of protection from the flu vaccine regardless of which method (injection, nasal spray, or one […]
August 24, 2011

Serious dangers for pregnant women who do NOT get the flu vaccine

The AP reports, “Federal health officials are warning of serious dangers for pregnant women who get the flu.” And the good news is that these dangers […]
August 24, 2011

Pregnant women less likely to have premature infants after flu vaccine

Expectant mothers who received the influenza vaccine were less likely to have premature or smaller infants, according to a new study released in PLoS Medicine.
August 22, 2011

Egg allergy no longer a contraindication to influenza vaccination

MedPage Today reported, “Having an egg allergy is no longer a contraindication to influenza vaccination, according to new guidance for the upcoming flu season from the […]
August 21, 2011

CDC: Flu vaccine is out and it’s for almost everyone

It’s time for your influenza vaccine. This week I’ll be sharing a number of blogs on the flu vaccine, especially for healthcare professionals, children, and pregnant […]
August 21, 2011

Flu shots in pregnancy help newborns

When pregnant women receive an influenza vaccination they might be providing protection that extends to their babies after they are born, researchers found in a recent […]
August 18, 2011

Vaccinations should be required

In an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times, Author David Ropeik writes that the government should regulate and require vaccination.
January 4, 2010

Top 10 Good News Pro-life News Stories of 2009

The following are the top ten good news stories of 2009, ranked according to popularity, from 1) 12-Year-Old Stuns Pro-Choice Teacher and School with Pro-Life […]
January 6, 2010

Gingko biloba may not be effective in preventing cognitive decline or improving memory

In my best-selling book, co-written with Donal O’Mathuna, PhD, Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook, I wrote a chapter on Gingko biloba and said this: While ginkgo […]
January 6, 2010

The latest drugs and supplements used for weight loss. Are any worth trying?

As soon as the holiday goodies are gone, people begin to try various products to try to lose weight. Why? Because most of us gain weight […]
January 6, 2010

More hospitals using new type of patient gown

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that approximately “1,700 facilities … are now using” a new type of hospital gown. The new gown is known as Bair Paws. According […]
January 8, 2010

National Cancer Institute Researcher Admits Abortion-Breast Cancer Link True

The National Cancer Institute gained a reputation for putting politics over science when it did everything possible to deny dissenting opinion during a meeting to establish […]
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