
July 19, 2010

The Amazing Story of Anastasha – Part 3

Thanks to Dr. Steiner and Kate for thoughtful and encouraging comments on Part 2 of Anastasha’s story. You can find their comments here. I’m hoping others […]
July 19, 2010

Sugar Before Shots Reduces Discomfort for Infants

A new review is reporting that fewer tears are shed by babies when they get a sweet solution before injections. A report in HealthDay News says, “A […]
July 19, 2010

Delaying childhood vaccinations offer no benefit to children, and may be harmful

I’ve written in the past about the debate between doctors about delaying vaccines. This debate is based upon the fears among some parents that the current […]
July 19, 2010

Several vaccines at once absolutely OK for kids’ brains: Study

Reuters Health has a report saying, “Parents can rest assured that getting kids their vaccine shots on time will not hurt their mental skills later on.” Here […]
July 16, 2010

Coffee’s endless health debate is grounded in fact

Today, I have three blogs to encourage all of you who, when you wake up at the crack of dawn each day need your coffee. Some […]
July 16, 2010

Coffee may have perks for longer living

Drinking up to six cups of coffee a day may lower the overall odds of dying prematurely, mainly because it cuts the risk of dying from […]
July 16, 2010

Tea and coffee ‘protect against heart disease’

Drinking several cups of tea or coffee a day appears to protect against heart disease, a 13-year-long study from the Netherlands has found. It adds to a […]
July 15, 2010

Six insect repellents earn recommendations from Consumer Reports

‘Tis the season of barbecues, hiking, camping . . . and biting bugs. A good repellent can help you enjoy the outdoors without the company of […]
November 6, 2010

Time change tonight offers chance to try to improve on slumber, experts say.

When you turn your clocks back an hour tonight, it might be a good opportunity to think about whether you’re getting enough sleep. The switch from Daylight […]
November 8, 2010

Southern Baptist Leader on Yoga: Not Christianity

Southern Baptist Seminary President, Al Mohler, is saying that seeking spirituality through yoga is NOT the Christian way. In fact, he’s calling for Christians to avoid yoga […]
November 8, 2010

Yoga: Should Christians Be Concerned?

Yoga is an alternative therapy that raises difficult questions for Christians. The physical and breathing exercises taught in yoga classes may improve general well-being. However, as […]
November 8, 2010

For Anastasha – A New Blog

This will be, for reasons that will be obvious in a moment, my last blog about little Anastasha, who touched so very, very many people during […]
November 10, 2010

For Healthcare Professionals Who Volunteer: You May Not Be Considered a Good Samaritan

As the Medical Director of a clinic for uninsured adults in Colorado Springs — Mission Medical Clinic, a clinic sponsored by over 100 churches and staffed […]
November 10, 2010

Gum Disease Treatment Recommended During Pregnancy

One of the joys for me in being a family physician is the honor I have had to attend the births of over 1500 of my […]
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