
October 31, 2011

Want to dramatically reduce your breast cancer risk?

USA Today ran a number of articles discussing breast cancer, focusing in particular on the role of inflammation. The great news here is that doing something that […]
October 30, 2011

Saw palmetto has no effect on enlarged prostate

In a surprise to advocates of treating the symptoms of an enlarged prostate with saw palmetto, a significant study reports that saw palmetto appears to have NO benefit […]
October 30, 2011

For warts: OTC topical cream as effective as freezing by a doctor

So, you or your child have a wart. Should you treat it with an over-the-counter product containing 50% salicylic acid (aspirin)? Or, should you have your […]
October 29, 2011

Halloween health and safety tips

For many people, autumn events like Halloween and Harvest Day are fun times to dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, attend parties, and eat yummy treats. […]
October 29, 2011

Number of U.S. kids injured on halloween is scary

Children are four times more likely to be hit by a car on Halloween night than on any other night of the year, according to experts […]
October 29, 2011

Halloween doesn’t have to be scary for your diet

Trying to avoid eating the entire bag of candy bars you bought for Halloween before the big night arrives? Worried that you won’t have the willpower […]
October 27, 2011

B12 deficiency linked to memory, thinking problems

The CNN “The Chart” blog reports  that “a deficiency in vitamin B12 is associated with memory and thinking problems, as well as brain shrinkage,” according to a […]
October 27, 2011

Those around babies need whooping cough vaccine

The whooping cough vaccine has been a rite of childhood for decades, but rising rates of the disease have health officials urging pregnant women and all […]
November 6, 2009

How to Keep Normal Labor Normal – Part 9 – Preparation

This blog series is designed to help women who are developing a birth plan join together with like-minded birthing professionals so as to have a shorter […]
November 6, 2009

TV watching is linked to aggression in kids. You think?

A new study confirms many others: the more TV a 3-year-old watches, the more likely he or she is to behave aggressively.
November 10, 2009

You think practicing medicine in the U.S. is tough? I hope you’ll pray for these missionaries.

A long-time friend who is a medical missionary has sent me a note from a colleague, Dr. Greg Shank, an Adventist missionary surgeon who, with his […]
November 10, 2009

What are the facts about cow’s, goat’s, soy, almond, rice, and hemp milk?

Poring over facts about milk: cow’s, goat’s, soy, almond, rice and hemp,0,486524,full.story Full-fat, low-fat or skim? Used to be, there weren’t many choices to make […]
November 10, 2009

Vegetarian diet said to be safe at all ages according to a new study

A debate among physicians and dieticians has been swirling for a number of years about the safety of vegan or vegetarian diets, especially in adolescents and […]
November 10, 2009

Low carb, high-fat diet negatively affects mood

There’s a new study out that compares dieters eating food high in carbohydrates and low on fat with those on a low-carb, high-fat regime similar to […]
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