
August 3, 2009

Worried about Obamacare? You should be! But, now you can do something!

With news that the “moderate” Blue Dog Democrats have cut a deal with liberal House leaders, ObamaCare is on the move once again. The battlefield now […]
August 3, 2009

Preventive Probiotics Cut Cold Symptoms in Kids

When given preventively over the winter months, probiotics reduce fever, cough, and runny noses in children, researchers said in a new study. They found that a […]
August 3, 2009

Researchers say tanning beds cause cancer and are as risky as tobacco or asbestos

The CBS Evening News reported, on July 28, that, according to a paper published online July 29 in The Lancet Oncology, tanning beds may “pose as […]
July 31, 2009

Texting drivers 23 times more likely to crash, study suggests

Barb and I were watching ABC World News Monday night, July 27, when Charles Gibson said, “There’s a new study out today that shows that texting […]
July 31, 2009

Vision Therapy as Remedy for Learning Disabilities Debunked

Behavioral vision therapy, eye exercises, and colored lenses have no role in treatment of dyslexia and other learning disabilities, according to a statement published by the […]
July 31, 2009

New Study Finds 66 Percent Increased Breast Cancer Risk After Abortion

A new study done on women in Turkey who had abortions has reported a 66 percent increased risk of contracting breast cancer as a result. The […]
July 29, 2009

AMA considering role of physicians’ clothing in transmitting bacteria

Picture a doctor in your mind’s eye, and what do you see? A stethoscope, maybe. Perhaps a little black bag. And almost certainly a white lab […]
July 29, 2009

Cloning without embryonic stem cells. Does this end the embryonic stem cell debate?

The story broke on NBC Nightly News on July 23, when Brian Williams reported that there is a mouse in China that goes by the name […]
July 5, 2011

Is the birth control pill an abortifacient?

A “pro-life advocate from the Philippines,” who has quoted my research on the “post-fertilization” (abortifacient) effect of the birth control pill (BCP) in one of the […]
July 5, 2011

New guidelines for sunscreen

The Food and Drug Administration’s long-awaited announcement of significant changes to sunscreen labeling was widely reported both by television and print media. The changes will empower us, […]
July 6, 2011

Short-term HRT may be safe for menopause symptoms

HealthDay reported, “Treatment with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), if tailored to an individual woman’s needs, appears to be safe during menopause, according to a report released […]
July 7, 2011

Life expectancy has fallen in hundreds of US counties

In my 2005 book, SuperSized Kids: How to protect your child from the obesity threat, I published this the then shocking statement, “If we don’t get […]
July 7, 2011

Mom’s sleep position during pregnancy may affect stillbirth risk

HealthDay reported that pregnant women who sleep on their back or right side have “twice the risk of having a stillborn infant” as women who sleep […]
July 10, 2011

Sleep deprivation associated with carbohydrate craving and depression

In a number of past blogs I’ve discussed the association with lack of sleep and overweight and obesity. This association is found in children, teens, and […]
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