
March 20, 2009

Routine Prostate Cancer Screenings Don’t Significantly Prevent Deaths, Research Shows

Two large, long-awaited studies have failed to produce convincing evidence that routine prostate cancer screening significantly reduces the chances of dying from the disease without putting […]
March 20, 2009

Q & A: Should men still get PSAs screenings or not?

Two eagerly awaited studies of a total of 250,000 men have raised new questions and concerns about the risks and benefits of the prostate-specific antigen test, […]
March 18, 2009

How to buy the best fish for your family

Fish, which is high in “good fat,” omega-3 fatty acids, confers multiple health benefits, but it can be challenging to find freshest fish as so often […]
March 18, 2009

Obesity associated with large losses in expected lifespan: Study indicates. What can you do for your family?

  USA Today reports, “Weighing too much may take as much as a decade off your life, according a new analysis of studies that involved 900,000 […]
March 18, 2009

Ironically, the most devout are the most likely to utilize death-to-the-end treatment

The New York Times reports, “Terminally ill cancer patients who drew comfort from religion were far more likely to seek aggressive, life-prolonging care in the week […]
March 16, 2009

Is Prince Charles Endorsing Quackery? His Herbal Detox Products Stir Controversy

In an unusual turn of events, a prominent scientist in the United Kingdom is accusing Prince Charles of contributing to the “ill health of the nation” […]
March 13, 2009

Faith-Based Health and Healing – Part 6 – Why God’s Response to Prayer Isn’t Always to Heal

Despite what many television preachers tell us, the Bible does not teach that God’s response to a prayer to cure illness is an immediate physical healing. […]
October 5, 2011

Should adults take a multivitamin every day?

The “Eat, Drink & Be Healthy” column for the Washington Post recently entered the debate on the value of dietary supplements, especially multivitamins.
October 7, 2011

IOM: Vaccines safe and unrelated to autism

The print media devoted major coverage to the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report showing that the benefits of vaccines far exceed their risks. In addition, the IOM assures […]
October 7, 2011

Chocolate may reduce heart disease, stroke risk

ABC World News reported that “chocolate may be a kind of secret weapon against heart disease.” So, what’s the scoop?
October 10, 2011

Waiting an hour after dinner before sleep reduces stroke risk

A new study suggests that waiting at least an hour after dinner before going to sleep reduces your risk of stroke by about two-thirds.
October 10, 2011

Study says cohabiting parents do kids harm

Unmarried, cohabiting parents may be putting their kids at risk for a host of personal problems according to a new report from the University of Virgina’s […]
October 11, 2011

Salt From the Sea or the Earth: Is One Better?

So, for adding small amounts of salt to your food, should you use salt from the earth or salt of the sea (sea salt)? Recently a […]
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