
September 29, 2021

Avoiding Jet Lag

The resurgence of travel will bring questions about jet lag. Here’s the latest from the experts at Prescriber’s Letter for those on trips of three or […]
September 28, 2021

Preventing Kidney Stones

Anyone who has suffered from the excruciating pain of a kidney stone will want to prevent them in the future. Here’s the latest from the experts […]
September 27, 2021

Treating fever in children

As the cough and cold season begins, parents always ask about treating fever in kids. Here’s the latest from the experts at Prescriber’s Letter.
September 24, 2021

Less sugar linked to fewer heart disease events

Sugary foods and beverages are strongly associated with obesity and diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, the leading cause of death in the […]
September 23, 2021

Is the “quadpill” the future of blood pressure control?

One of the main barriers to blood pressure control is the failure of prescribers to add medications when the blood pressure is not controlled.
September 22, 2021

Diabetes Remission

In a recent consensus statement, diabetes experts defined what it means to become disease-free from Type 2 diabetes.
September 21, 2021

Reducing your and your kids’ risk of diabetes

If type 2 diabetes runs in your family, you may find yourself worrying about whether it will show up in you or your kids. And your […]
September 20, 2021

What’s the right amount of sleep?

Sleep duration is tied to early Alzheimer’s disease according to a recent large analysis by Stanford University researchers. The study involved 4,417 with normal cognitive scores at […]
June 17, 2009

Could ADHD medications cause sudden death in children?

A new study, published online in the American Journal of Psychiatry, concluded  that indicated that “the stimulants may be associated with sudden death.” If your child […]
June 17, 2009

AMA adopts new policy on anti-aging and bioidentical hormones

The American Medical Association (AMA) says there’s no scientific proof to back up the claims of anti-aging or so-called ‘bioidentical’ hormones. And, quite frankly, I have […]
June 19, 2009

Have Expired Medications? Don’t flush them away!

It’s not at all uncommon for people to flush unwanted or expired medications down the sink or toilet. However, more and more health groups say this […]
June 19, 2009

12 Ways to Live Longer

When I wrote my book, 10 Essentials of Highly Healthy People, I included information on how people can make decisions that will affect the quantity and […]
June 22, 2009

If You Want to Get Fat, or Have Trouble Losing Weight, then Skip Breakfast

Skipping breakfast is a big no-no if you are trying to lose or maintain weight because it leads to high-calorie cravings later. Now researchers think they […]
June 22, 2009

Rear-Facing Car Seats Safest for Kids Up to Age 4

A new recommendation published in the British Medical Journal suggests that children up to the age of 4 are safest if placed in such seats when […]
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