
June 10, 2010

Study Links Regular Bedtimes to Better Language, Reading, and Math Skills in Preschool Children

Children in households with bedtime rules and children who get adequate sleep score higher on a range of developmental assessments, according to a research abstract that […]
June 10, 2010

Lack of sleep ‘linked to early death’

#mce_temp_url#Better Sleepers Are ‘Successful Agers’ In a number of my health books (including 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People: Becoming and staying highly healthy, SuperSized Kids: […]
June 10, 2010

New Study Says, “Check blood pressure at home, not MD’s office!”

Think you need to go to the doctor’s office to check your blood pressure? Think again. For years I’ve had my patients monitor their blood pressure […]
June 9, 2010

Obesity Drives GERD Symptoms in Kids

In my book SuperSized Kids: How to protect your child from the obesity threat and on my SuperSized Kids Web site I write at some length about the many […]
June 9, 2010

Obese kids more apt to be bullied, study confirms

In my book, SuperSized Kids: How to protect your child from the obesity threat, I address the research showing that overweight or obese children are “50% […]
June 9, 2010

New plan seeks to put PE back in school – Hallelujah!

U.S. schools and childcare programs could be required to include daily exercise as part of the new National Physical Activity Plan released recently. This is, in […]
June 7, 2010

Tests of Protein Powders and Drinks Show Some Lead Contamination

New tests by one of my favorite natural medicine web sites,, found most protein powders, shakes and drinks to meet their nutrient claims, but two […]
June 7, 2010

Misinformation About Vaccine Safety Puts Kids at Risk of Illness

Vaccine Myth #1: Vaccines Cause Autism Misinformation About Vaccine Safety Puts Kids at Risk of IllnessAbout one-third of U.S. parents surveyed had delayed or refused early […]
December 1, 2010

St. John’s wort may not help patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

St. John’s wort (SJW) is most commonly used to improve mood and treat depression. St. John’s wort affects neurotransmitters similar to conventional antidepressants. However, it also […]
December 1, 2010

SAMe and Depression

SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine) is getting renewed attention as an option for patients with mild-to-moderate major depression. New guidelines from the American Psychiatric Association now suggest SAMe […]
December 1, 2010

Red yeast rice products NOT recommended for high cholesterol

The Chicago Tribune “Julie’s Health Club” blog reported that “some red yeast rice products have been shown to lower cholesterol levels as effectively as moderate doses […]
December 1, 2010

Devotional for Men – Healthy Through and Through – Part 8 – Concluding Bible Study

Here’s the last of an eight-part devotional for men based upon my chapter on health in Coach Joe Gibbs best-selling book, Gameplan for Life, was featured […]
December 3, 2010

Hormone therapy after menopause may worsen breast cancer

The CBS Evening News recently reported, “For women going through menopause, the decision about whether to take hormone replacement therapy has been controversial and confusing.” In […]
December 3, 2010

Hormone therapy helpful for younger women?

Hormone therapy (formerly called HRT or hormone replacement therapy) may pose little risk to younger women, and could even help some aspects of their health – […]
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