
June 20, 2011

Measles, other childhood diseases reemerging as parents refuse vaccines

For the doctors and nurses caring for patients with measles, the return of vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles — a viral illness that once killed 3,000 […]
June 20, 2011

CDC: US experiencing largest measles outbreak in 15 years

Measles – a disease that was declared eliminated in the USA in 2000 – is again breaking out across the country. Who do you think is […]
June 19, 2011

A well-loved child more likely to be a loving spouse

The ability of men and women to have staying power and a strong level of commitment in their romantic relationships and marriage can be traced back […]
June 19, 2011

Some NSAIDs potentially dangerous for heart attack survivors

When heart attack survivors or those with heart disease take certain pain relievers it puts them at higher risk for heart attack or death according to […]
June 16, 2011

Burning the midnight oil may lead to weight gain

‘Night owls’ take in an average of 248 more calories per day, a recent study found. As such, folks who consistently stay up late may be […]
June 16, 2011

Pediatric society rejects ‘personal belief’ exemption for vaccination of kids

Research has shown that children who are exempted from vaccinations have a 35-fold higher risk for measles, a 23-fold higher risk for pertussis and a nine-fold […]
June 15, 2011

Feds issue warning to makers of unproven STD treatments

The AP reports, “Federal health officials are cracking down on bogus pills and supplements that their makers claim will cure or prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like […]
June 14, 2011

People who let go of regrets are happier and more satisfied with life

The Bible teaches, “‘In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry …” (Ephesians 4:26). In other […]
March 5, 2010

TV, Computers Linked to Weak Relationships

Children in recent New Zealand studies who spent a lot of time watching television and using computer games had less attachment to family and peers. The […]
March 7, 2010

In Lab Tests Vitamin D Shrinks Breast Cancer Cells

I’ve posted a number of blogs about the fact that vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency (low levels of serum vitamin D) is associated with a number […]
March 7, 2010

Can Vitamin D Ease Fibromyalgia Pain?

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because when sunlight hits skin, the body produces this vitamin, essential for strong, healthy bones. However, a mountain of […]
March 7, 2010

Vitamin D Linked to Lower Heart Risk

According to new research, vitamin D supplements may not only help your bones, they may help protect your heart. A new review of research on vitamin D […]
March 9, 2010

Dr. Walt’s Blog Now Available on Kindle

For all you Kindle-aholics, this blog is available to you on your own personal Kindle reader. You can learn more about subscribing here. Kindle blogs are fully […]
March 10, 2010

Too many women experiencing heart attack symptoms fail to call 911

In the USA Today Your Health column, Kim Painter points out that an American Heart Association survey reveals that “just over half of” the female respondents […]
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