
August 25, 2008

The Truth about Bullying and How to Protect Your Child

In my book, God’s Design for the Highly Healthy Child, I spent the better part of one chapter advising parents on protecting children from bullying. Here’s […]
August 22, 2008

Is Spanking Associated with Child Abuse?

MedPage is reporting that a study saying that parents who use more than bare hands in spanking their children are far more likely to beat, kick, […]
August 22, 2008

Study Backs Up Dr. Walt’s Recommendations for Overweight Kids

Reuters Health  is reporting a new study suggesting that children who regularly exercise and limit their time in front of the TV and computer are much […]
August 21, 2008

Podcast – WOLC2

[display_podcast] Joy 102.5 WOLC Serving Maryland, Delaware, & Virginia with Christ-honoring music & programming Listen live @
August 20, 2008

California Supreme Court Tramples Doctors’ Religious Beliefs

USA Today is reporting that California’s high court on Monday barred doctors from withholding ethically questionable medical procedures to gays and lesbians based on religious beliefs, […]
August 20, 2008

Obama Caught Red-Handed in Abortion Lie is reporting that Barack Obama and National Right to Life went head-to-head over Obama’s abortion record, and the Democratic presidential candidate now has backed off […]
August 20, 2008

Obama – An Abortion Extremist

Gary Bauer says, “Senator Barack Obama may be the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever nominated for president of the United States by a major political party.” […]
August 20, 2008

McCain “Trounces Obama” At Saddleback

Gary Bauer, who was on the front row last Saturday at Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in California when Obama and McCain were interviewed, concluded, “Senator […]
January 16, 2012

1-800-GET THIN centers misleading customers

The AP reports that officials with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “have issued warning letters to eight surgical centers and a marketing firm in California for […]
January 17, 2012

CDC says American diet still falls short

This headline is no surprise to readers of this blog. Almost all of us can improve our nutritional habits.
January 17, 2012

Three years later, quitters report less stress, better mood compared to smokers

Not only does the health of former smokers DRAMATICALLY improve after quitting, but people who stop smoking get a boost in their quality of life, new […]
January 18, 2012

Demand for ABA therapy growing for children with autism

Recently, the Los Angeles Times ran a very nice four-part series on autism in an effort to understand reasons for the burgeoning rates of autism spectrum […]
January 18, 2012

Report says Americans’ heart health in poor state

The National Journal reports, “Nearly every American has at least one risk factor for heart disease,” according to a report from the American Heart Association.
January 19, 2012

Salty foods predispose infants to preferring salt

The Los Angeles Times reports, “Feeding young babies solid foods, such as crackers, cereals and bread, which tend to be high in salt, may set them […]
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