
May 16, 2011

Men and women truly see things differently

There are still some, particularly ardent feminists, who claim that men and women are innately the same and that gender differences are environmentally acquired. As one […]
May 16, 2011

FREE E-BOOK: This week only!

In a blog yesterday, I told you about a book being released today, “An expose on teen sex and dating: What’s really going on and how […]
May 15, 2011

An expose on teen sex and dating: What’s really going on and how to talk about It

My dear friend, Andy Braner, is releasing his most recent and explosive book yet. An Expose on Teen Sex and Dating: What’s Really Going On and How […]
May 15, 2011

Regular fasting reduces heart risks

You are likely aware of folks who regularly fast for spiritual reasons. But, did you know that there are significant phyicals benefits to the discipline of […]
May 14, 2011

Very few people are naturally “short sleepers”

The Wall Street Journal spotlights so-called natural “short sleepers,” who, according to available studies, comprise about one to three percent of the population. They need roughly five […]
May 13, 2011

Alternative Medicine and Children – Part 7 – The Bottom Line? The Risks Are Simply Too Great for Children

In general, we believe that alternative medicine is inappropriate for children.  Why? The potential risks are too high.
May 13, 2011

Long work hours linked to increased heart risks

While writing this blog, I was listening to Simon and Garfunkel singing, “Slow down, you move too fast. You need to make the morning last.” At […]
May 12, 2011

Study finds similarities between food and drug addiction

ABC World News reported that “we have new insight into the power of food cravings and the human brain” … adding that “a new study reveals […]
March 30, 2010

Vitamin D Supplementation Helps Prevent Falls in Older Adults

Each year, one third of adults 65 years and older have at least one fall. And, 9% of those falls require an emergency department visit and […]
April 2, 2010

10 Best Foods for Your Heart

As we head into the Easter weekend, I wanted to offer you some blogs on healthier nutrition choices. Here are ten choices that you can make […]
April 2, 2010

10 Easy Food Swaps Cut Cholesterol, Not Taste

Holiday weekends are not necessarily the easiest time to cut unhealthy and saturated fats. But, according to this practical article from, it couldn’t be easier […]
April 2, 2010

8 Easter Treats Under 80 Calories

Want to enjoy an Easter treat or two, while keeping rein on those calories? It’s hard to resist that innocent-looking chocolate bunny or all those pastel-colored sugary […]
April 2, 2010

How to Make Chocolate a Healthy Indulgence

The benefits of being a chocolate lover From Health magazine This ultimate feel-good food keeps your heart healthy, mood up, and body in great shape. Find […]
April 2, 2010

Largest Study to Date Links Chocolate to Lower Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Risk

Just in the nick of time — before the Easter chocolate consumption begins, comes a study letting us know that a small amount of that dark […]
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