Claims of marked health benefits from “detoxification” have stimulated public interest in colonic cleansing and generated a multimillion-dollar industry promoting oral agents, colonic hydrotherapy, or enema […]
For this Valentine’s Day weekend, some more advice for our married readers from my friends at, written by Julie Upton, RD, on how you can improve your […] is reporting that abortion advocates are pushing a new drug that they say is an expanded morning after pill, or emergency contraception. However, pro-life doctors […]
The AP reports that “fish oil pills may be able to save some young people with signs of mental illness from descending into schizophrenia,” according to […]
U.S. study clears measles vaccine of autism link One of the world’s most respected medical journals, The Lancet, is formally retracting an article that sparked a fierce […]
According to a report in Reuters, man in a deeply unconscious state for five years has been able to communicate with doctors using just his thoughts […]
In an op-ed in the New York Times, Michael Willrich, an associate professor of history at Brandeis University, writes , “Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, […]
Despite overwhelming evidence that there is NO association between any vaccine in particular, or vaccines in general, and autism, just a slim majority of Americans – […]
In a recent blog, “Echinacea demonstrates little benefit in treating common cold,” I told you about new research suggesting echinacea is NOT effective for reducing cold symptoms.
According to the experts at the Prescriber’s Letter, “TheraTears Nutrition is becoming a popular supplement for people with dry eyes. It contains omega-3 fatty acids from […]