
June 8, 2011

Cotton swabs linked to ruptured eardrums, study shows

A new study has found a direct association between using cotton swabs to clean the ears and ruptured eardrums. The good news is that almost all of […]
June 7, 2011

Infants are being given potentially harmful herbal supplements

About one in ten infants are given unregulated and potentially unsafe herbal products or teas by their moms.
June 7, 2011

Early screening test detects autism in children as young as one year

An early screening test for autism, designed to detect signs of the condition in babies as young as 1 year old, has just been released. USA […]
June 6, 2011

Exercising at school boosts test scores, study finds

When physical activity was combined with academic skills, elementary students retained more. In other words, exercising at school or while learning might improve kids’ test scores, […]
June 5, 2011

Does your child have unrecognized high blood pressure? Nearly 20% of young adults do!

Stunning research published in the journal Epidemiology indicates that nearly one-fifth of Americans who are 24 to 32 years old have high blood pressure. And, the […]
June 5, 2011

Kids who sleep less gain more weight

If kids get fewer hours of sleep, they may start packing on the pounds, researchers say in a new study. In fact, each additional hour of sleep […]
June 2, 2011

How (and why) to increase the number of family meals at home

Family meals have long been an American tradition. During the past several decades, however, the American family has undergone radical changes—and family meals have changed at […]
June 2, 2011

Family meals reduce risk of children being overweight

The CNN “Eatocracy” blog reports, “A study in the journal Pediatrics finds that children and adolescents who share meals with their families at least three times per […]
March 14, 2010

Kids pack on the calories with frequent, unhealthy snacks

Children today snack an average of three times a day, and they are mostly consuming sugary beverages, cookies, cake, candy, salty snacks and other high-calorie junk […]
March 14, 2010

Obese kids more likely to injure legs, ankles, feet

Obese kids’ injury patterns look different from those of their slimmer peers, a new study out in Pediatrics shows. According to a report in Reuters Health, Dr. […]
March 14, 2010

Obese children show signs of heart disease

Obese children as young as three years old show signs of future heart disease, say US researchers. In a study of 16,000 children and teenagers, researchers showed […]
March 17, 2010

New report questions effectiveness of Saw Palmetto for prostate health

According to a new report by the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database (NMCD), saw palmetto might not be as effective as we used to think for reducing […]
March 17, 2010

New guidelines say physicians should educate men on risks and benefits of PSA testing

On an edition of ABC World News recently, Dr. Richard Besser reported that “there’s a big change in store” for prostate cancer screening. He went on […]
March 17, 2010

Expert calls for an end to inappropriate use of PSA screening

Each year some 30 million American men undergo testing for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), an enzyme made by the prostate. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration […]
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