
July 14, 2011

What natural medications may help infant colic?

An article published in the journal Pediatrics … notes that there is some ‘encouraging’ evidence that fennel extract and some herbal teas could relieve colic symptoms, but […]
July 14, 2011

No evidence for Gripe water as treatment for infant colic

The Los Angeles Times reports, “Gripe waters have never been tested as remedies for colic” in babies.
July 13, 2011

Reading with mom can boost a child’s kindergarten readiness

Home learning experiences such as reading books with parents can improve low-income preschool children’s readiness to start school, researchers say in a press report from Society […]
July 12, 2011

CDC: Most teens not getting enough aerobic activity

The CDC released a report of a nationwide survey of more than 11,000 high school students across the country, finding that only 15 percent get the minimum of […]
July 12, 2011

CDC: One in four high school students drinks soda daily

According to the results of a nationwide survey of over 11,000 high school students in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly […]
July 11, 2011

Which vitamin D supplement boosts levels best — D2 or D3?

It turns out that vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) has the edge.
July 10, 2011 puts multivitamins to the test

Long-time readers know of my fondness for and (unpaid) endorsement of, one of the two best companies that test natural medications (herbs, vitamins, and supplements) […]
July 10, 2011

Sleep deprivation associated with carbohydrate craving and depression

In a number of past blogs I’ve discussed the association with lack of sleep and overweight and obesity. This association is found in children, teens, and […]
February 16, 2010

Acupuncture found lacking for fibromyalgia

Reuters Health is reporting on a new study examining the treatment of fibromyalgia with acupuncture. Indeed, acupuncture may provide some temporary pain relief for people with […]
February 16, 2010

Herbals and Heart Health

The folks at Natural Standard recently sent out a notice of a significant review in the cardiology literature on the potential interactions between herbs and heart […]
February 17, 2010

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Say Abstinence Effective, Want Parents Involved

Abstinence-only program helps kids postpone sex A new Rasmussen poll shows a majority of Americans believe abstinence education programs are effect and a commanding majority would […]
February 17, 2010

What to Do When Heart Disease Hurts Your Sex Life

This article, from, will be, I would think, very helpful for married couples where one or both spouses has cardiovascular disease. It answers a number […]
February 17, 2010

Sexual satisfaction is a complex process that vexes many women and their doctors

Continuing our Valentine’s Day theme of sexual satisfaction in marriage, I thought you might find this article from the Washington Post of interest. It’s penned by Daphne […]
February 20, 2010

Farmed or wild fish: Which is healthier?

CNN has a nice report about a question that I’m often asked, “Which is healthier — farmed or wild fish?” These days, it’s hard to know […]
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