
September 10, 2009

The AMA says “Comprehensive Sex Ed Said to Have Most Impact.” Baloney.

An AMA report says abstinence should be one part – but not the only one – of teaching kids about sexual activity. Are they correct, or […]
September 10, 2009

More Outrage about President Obama’s “Misrepresentations” in His Healthcare Reform Speech Last Night

Last night, after the President’s speech to Congress on healthcare reform, I asked, “Did He Lie?” Then, I shared with you a number of misrepresentations he […]
September 10, 2009

FDA panel backs Gardasil (HPV vaccine) safety and efficacy for genital warts in young men

News outlets are reporting that an FDA advisory panel “endorsed the use of” Merck’s Gardasil “for boys and young men.” The panel “voted in favor of […]
September 9, 2009

President Obama’s Speech on Healthcare Reform – Did He Lie?

Earlier today, I gave you a report card you could use to grade the President’s speech tonight on healthcare reform. By my count, the president failed […]
September 9, 2009

Sarah Palin Bashes Rationing in Health Care Bills

Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has penned an opinion column running in the Wall Street Journal that again bashes Obama and Congress. She expands on her […]
September 9, 2009

Healthcare Reform that Most Americans Support

Readers have sent notes to this blog asking, in essence, “Dr. Walt, what healthcare reform do you support?” And, in his labor day speech about healthcare […]
September 9, 2009

Grade the President’s Healthcare Reform Speech Tonight

President Obama has had a month to listen to the American people on the topic of healthcare reform. For a month, thoughtful Americans have gone to town […]
September 8, 2009

Larimore Family Newsletter – September 2009 Edition

June 2, 2011

How (and why) to increase the number of family meals at home

Family meals have long been an American tradition. During the past several decades, however, the American family has undergone radical changes—and family meals have changed at […]
June 5, 2011

Kids who sleep less gain more weight

If kids get fewer hours of sleep, they may start packing on the pounds, researchers say in a new study. In fact, each additional hour of sleep […]
June 5, 2011

Does your child have unrecognized high blood pressure? Nearly 20% of young adults do!

Stunning research published in the journal Epidemiology indicates that nearly one-fifth of Americans who are 24 to 32 years old have high blood pressure. And, the […]
June 6, 2011

Exercising at school boosts test scores, study finds

When physical activity was combined with academic skills, elementary students retained more. In other words, exercising at school or while learning might improve kids’ test scores, […]
June 7, 2011

Early screening test detects autism in children as young as one year

An early screening test for autism, designed to detect signs of the condition in babies as young as 1 year old, has just been released. USA […]
June 7, 2011

Infants are being given potentially harmful herbal supplements

About one in ten infants are given unregulated and potentially unsafe herbal products or teas by their moms.
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