
July 14, 2008

Make Family Vacations A Healthy Memory

A recent news story, Why time off is time well spent for your health, emphasized the health benefits of a frequent, restful vacations. The story reminded me […]
July 14, 2008

Recommendations for Milk for Babies Changed

WebMD Health News is reporting on a major change in baby nutrition advice that’s gone nearly unnoticed. This week, the American Academy of Pediatrics changed its […]
July 14, 2008

Vitamin D tests soar as deficiency, diseases linked

USA Today is reporting that testing for vitamin D levels, once uncommon, has skyrocketed as medical studies raise awareness about vitamin D deficiencies. Physicians agree that […]
July 14, 2008

Fruit juice tied to modest rise in diabetes risk

Reuters Health is reporting a studying showing that women who want to ward off type 2 diabetes should load their plates with green leafy vegetables and […]
July 12, 2008

Podcast 7-12-08

[display_podcast] Dr Walt Larimore on “Central Florida’s Morning News with Jim Turner” NewsTalk 580 WDBO Orlando Listen live Wednesday mornings at 8:45 at
July 11, 2008

Podcast (2) 7-11-08

[display_podcast] John Blok Host of “Prime Time Florida” Weekdays 4-5 p.m. Moody Radio Florida Where You Turn. For Life. Listen live online at:
July 11, 2008

Podcast 7-11-08

[display_podcast] Jim/WBCL Radio Network
July 9, 2008

Doctors and Families Asked to “Just Say no to New Aborted Fetal Vaccine!” is reporting that a pro-life group, Children of God for Life, is calling on the Medical Profession to “just say no” to the newly US […]
February 12, 2012

Analysis suggests proposed changes to autism definition would exclude many

A possible change in the definition of autism and one top expert says the change could, quote, “make these autism epidemic go away.”
February 12, 2012

Sex poses little risk for heart attack survivors

The American Heart Association answered the question” of when it is safe to resume sex following a heart attack “with new guidelines.”
February 13, 2012

Women with normal bone density at 65 may safely wait 15 years before retesting

The New York Times reports, “Bone loss and osteoporosis develop so slowly in most women whose bones test normal at age 65 that many can safely […]
February 13, 2012

Insomnia most common sleep disorder

If you find yourself tossing and turning most nights, unable to fall asleep, you’re in good company.
February 14, 2012

Valentine’s Day chocolate may be healthful

Here are my last dozen blogs about chocolate from over the last year or so. Enjoy! Literally!! And, Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
February 14, 2012

Pain intensity greater for women than men, study finds

According to the results of a study in which researchers examined pain scores from tens of thousands of patients in the United States, women experience more […]
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