
November 5, 2010

Anastasha’s Birth and Death – Wonderful Videos

Anastasha Kalil DeLisi, the daughter of Craig and Tonya DeLisi, was born with and died from anencephaly on her and her mother’s birthday: October 26, 2010. […]
November 5, 2010

POM, Vitamin Water, and SoBe Have Made Misleading Claims According to Experts

It has a sleek, curvy bottle, features the juice from an exotic fruit and has a catchy name, but according to both government and consumer agencies, […]
November 5, 2010

8 Tips for Eating Healthy During Menopause

Good news! Aging does not have to equal weight gain. Women do tend to put on a pound a year in their 40s and 50s, but […]
November 3, 2010

Larimore Family Newsletter – November 2010

Here are the contents of our Family Newsletter: Holiday Gifts Family Update Publication Update New Writing Schedule for Hazel Creek Continuing to Write Guy Talk Nice […]
November 3, 2010

Government warns parents not to use baby sleep positioners

The government is warning parents and caregivers to stop using infant sleep positioners — those soft fabric products that anxious parents put in the crib to […]
November 3, 2010

Autism and Childhood Vaccinations: The Myth is Finally Debunked

In a number of previous blogs, I’ve discussed vaccine myths, in an attempt to bring you information about vaccines that is reliable, trustworthy, and medically accurate. […]
November 3, 2010 Finds Quality Problems with Nearly 30% of Fish Oil Supplements Reviewed; “Fishy” Claims Identified

Fish, krill, and algal oil supplements now account for approximately $1 billion in sales in the U.S. To help consumers choose among products, selected 24 […]
November 1, 2010

Three Meals A Day May Beat ‘Mini-meals’ For Weight Loss

Sitting down to eat a real meal three times a day may be a better strategy for weight loss than grazing on several smaller “mini-meals,” new […]
August 18, 2010

Too Much Screen Time Can Threaten Attention Span

Kids and young adults who overdo TV and video games are almost twice as likely to have a wide variety of attention span problems — at […]
August 18, 2010

Six months of breast milk best for babies

Babies are less likely to develop a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection if they are exclusively breastfed for at least 6 months, according to a Dutch study, […]
August 20, 2010

World’s first fully approved cannabis drug on sale in UK

A medication called Sativex has become the first drug fully approved for multiple sclerosis that is made from natural cannabis according to a report in WebMD. […]
August 20, 2010

Breast-Fed Babies Know When to Say When — May Prevent Obesity Later

Many healthcare experts believe breast-fed babies are less likely to become overweight and obese in childhood and later in life — but, we’ve never really understood […]
August 20, 2010

How Much Sunlight Is Equivalent to Vitamin D Supplementation?

Readers of this blog are well aware than many (if not most) Americans have insufficient to deficient levels of vitamin D. Other than prescribing oral vitamin […]
August 23, 2010

In autism a diet free of cereal grains and dairy products does not help

Autism (and the autism spectrum disorders) are so very frustrating for parents just because there are so few therapies that have been shown to be helpful. […]
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