
April 19, 2022

Happy Book Birthday!!! My WWII Book, “At First Light,” releases nationally today

After over 16 years of research and writing and editing, re-writing and more editing, and re-writing again and again and even more editing, I’m so pleased […]
April 18, 2022

If you have heartburn at night, a simple sleeping position may help

Gastroenterology Advisor reported that research indicates that “a left lateral sleeping position may minimize nocturnal acid reflux.”
April 17, 2022

My Easter Sermon

Last year, I was honored to give the Easter Sermon for the Virtual International Easter celebration. In this message, I present the overwhelming evidence for the resurrection of […]
April 16, 2022

SNEAK PEAK – Part Three – At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse

With the permission of my publisher, for the month of April, I’m giving you a SNEAK PEEK of the first five chapters of my latest book […]
April 15, 2022

Are plant-based foods really tied to lower risk of cognitive decline? Or not?

All of the research so far seems to say that a plant-based or Mediterranean type diet plays a role in the prevention and treatment of dementia.
April 14, 2022

Does any alcohol intake increase heart disease and stroke risk?

Shawn Zylberberg writing for the Wine Spectator recently wrote about a study claiming, “All drinking increases heart disease risk” She shows us a newer study that […]
April 12, 2022

More good news about coffee lowering risk for heart disease, stroke, and all-cause mortality

There is an association between drinking coffee — particularly two to three cups each day — and a lower risk of new or worsening heart disease, a […]
April 11, 2022

Caution should be exercised when using diet apps

If you are using or considering a diet app on your smartphone, you may want to consider reading an informative article by the New York Times.
February 6, 2009

Risks of Not Vaccinating Your Children

From 1958 to 1962, over a half a million cases of measles are reported each year. 432 measles-related deaths occur on average each year. But in […]
February 6, 2009

ABCs of Childhood Vaccine Safety

My blog, “Radio Listeners ‘Angry as Hornets’ About Dr. Walt’s Comments on Childhood Vaccination”  raised howls of protest from blog constituents. Many of those who wrote […]
February 9, 2009

The pro-life Super Bowl ad NBC refused to show you now seen by nearly 1.5 million (and counting)

Super Bowl ads can be more fun than the game. And what’s more fun than a Super Bowl ad? A banned Super Bowl ad, of course. […]
February 9, 2009

A doctor’s right to choose versus the rights of a woman to choose

An unemployed, divorced woman with six children – living with her bankrupt parents in their teensy weensy home – gave birth to eight babies after having […]
February 9, 2009

His Brain, Her Brain Interviews with Dr. Walt and Barb Available for Download

  If you’ve wanted to hear an interview with Dr. Walt and Barb about their book, His Brain, Her Brain: How divinely designed differences can strengthen […]
February 11, 2009

If You Are Elderly or on Medicare – Be Afraid, Very Afraid

According to Gary Bauer, former presidential candidate and now President of the Campaign for Working Families, conservatives evaluating some of the fine details of what he […]
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