
November 30, 2011

Tanning bed use linked to increased skin cancer risk

The Los Angeles Times “Booster Shots” blog reports that “the more you use a tanning bed, the higher your risk of deadly skin cancers, according to research […]
November 29, 2011

If you don’t vaccinate your kids, should your kids be kept away from school, team sports, and youth groups? I vote “yes”!

I’ve told you in the past that when parents choose to not vaccinate their children, not only are their children at risk, but so are other […]
November 29, 2011

CDC recommends boys be vaccinated against HPV

Coverage of the decision by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to expand its recommendation for the Human […]
November 28, 2011

Stretching key to yoga’s back pain relief

According to a recent study, yoga can help improve symptoms of chronic lower back pain, but it’s likely not any spiritual or meditation component that does […]
November 27, 2011

CDC: Most Americans eat too much salt

Bloomberg News  reports, “Almost all US citizens, including children, exceed the dietary guidelines for salt, putting them at risk for hypertension and heart disease, according to […]
November 27, 2011

Institute of Medicine panel proposes grading system for food

The Washington Post explains an Institute of Medicine report saying that “a symbol, such as a check mark or a star, should be displayed on the front […]
November 24, 2011

Give Thanksgiving leftovers a healthy and delicious overhaul

One of the wonderful things about Thanksgiving dinner is there are often lots of delicious leftovers. You can just warm up a few of your favorite […]
November 23, 2011

Do you give thanks in ALL things?

Barb and I support a wonderful missionary couple, Brian and Christy Lewis, who work with Wycliffe International in southeast Asia. Recently, the Lewis family has wrestled with illness and […]
October 17, 2009

The Grass Is Not Always Greener: A Look at National Health Care Systems Around the World – Part 5 – Germany

In the midst of our national debate about healthcare reform, people on both sides of the debate seem to pick and choose among the facts and […]
October 17, 2009

How to Keep Normal Labor Normal – Part 6 – Pain Control

This blog series is designed to help women who are developing a birth plan join together with like-minded birthing professionals so as to have a shorter […]
October 17, 2009

The Dark Side of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the brilliant (and omnipresent) pink-ribbon campaign is once again raising huge amounts of money in the “race for the cure.” […]
October 19, 2009

FDA urges consumers to avoid buying H1N1 treatments online

CNN is reporting that the FDA is warning Americans to “avoid buying treatments for the H1N1 virus, commonly known as swine flu, online.” FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg […]
October 19, 2009

Using acetaminophen (Tylenol) following vaccination may reduce efficacy

When children and adults in my practice receive a vaccine, I recommend ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce discomfort, inflammation, or low-grade fever. Now comes a study […]
October 21, 2009

Christian Doctors Refuse Bribe from Senate Leader

The Christian Medical Association (CMA), the nation’s largest association of faith-based physicians, today spoke out against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) reported offer to get […]
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