Using a spiritual history to uncover religious struggle (ICMDA Webinar – 3 of 5)

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Using a spiritual history to uncover religious struggle (ICMDA Webinar – 3 of 5)

I was honored, privileged, and blessed to present a series of five global webinars for the International Christian Medical and Dental Associations. This is the third and is on the subject of “Using a Spiritual History to Uncover Religious Struggle.”

The use of a spiritual assessment by health professionals as part of a social history has been considered a vital part of quality whole-person health care for decades. However, virtually all of the spiritual assessment tools in use today (i.e., GOD, HOPE, FICA, SPIRIT, etc.) fail to inquire about a critical health factor: religious struggle. A developing and robust literature shows religious struggle can predict future morbidity and mortality of various types. How can Christian health professionals inquire about and deal with the surprisingly common religious struggles patients encounter?

In case you missed it, a webinar recording is now available:

More resources from Dr. Walt:

Further resources:

ICMDA wrote, “For your interest, we had folk from the following 58 countries register:”
Angola France Peru
Antigua and Barbuda Germany Philippines
Australia Ghana Poland
Austria Hong Kong SAR Romania
Barbados Hungary Russia
Brazil India Senegal
Brunei Darussalam Indonesia Sierra Leone
Bulgaria Ireland Singapore
Burkina Faso Israel South Africa
Burundi Kenya South Sudan
Cameroon Korea, Republic of Spain
Canada Malaysia Timor-Leste
Chile Mali Togo
Colombia Mexico Uganda
Congo, DR Mongolia United Kingdom
Czech Republic Nepal United States
Ecuador Nigeria Zambia
Egypt Norway Zimbabwe
El Salvador Pakistan
Finland Panama
And for your encouragement here are some of the comments from the chat in case you didn’t see them:
  • From  Susana Catota: Muchas gracias por esta excelente presentación . Si Me facilita la presentación estaré muy agradecido. Dios continúe bendiciendo
  • From  Nils Magerøy: Thank you for a eye opening presentation.
  • From  Tae young Hong : Thank you Dr Larimore
  • From  Bourama Sidibe : thanks Dr , it was very relevant
  • From  Dagmar Schneidrová : Thank you for sharing your valuable and rich experience and resources.
  • From  Michel Awad : Thank you for your sharing. Great input

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