
September 12, 2024

September 12, 1944 – The capture of Vesoul officially ended the Campaign of Southern France

Dad’s 3rd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, prepared for an all out attack on Mt. Jesus and Vesoul, moving in from the west.[1]
September 13, 2024

September 13, 1944 – After only 29 days the US heroes had moved over 400 miles into France

By mid September, after just one month of operations in France after the D-Day of August 15, 2044, Dad’s VI Corps had driven its advance as […]
September 14, 2024

September 14, 1944 – The toughest nut in the Nazi’s long defensive line from the North Sea to the Swiss border lay just ahead of Dad and his men

There could be no question that the Seventh Army’s advance northwards from the Riveria in the summer and early fall of 1944 had been brilliantly executed. […]
September 15, 2024

September 15, 1944 – The life expectancy of the front-line men was getting ready to plummet to 21 days 

All battles and all wars are won in the end by the Infantryman. The Infantryman has to use initiative and intelligence in almost every step he moves, every action […]
September 16, 2024

September 16, 1944 — US GIs now face an obstacle that no army in the history of modern warfare had ever overcome—an enemy defending the Vosges Mountains.

As the drive advanced, the 30th Infantry Regiment continued moving to the north and northeast in France, fighting through and liberating village after village as the […]
September 17, 2024

September 17, 1944 — In the Vosges Mountains every battle was difficult or deadly or both

On September 17, 1944, Dad’s 3rd Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Richard H. Neddersen, was assigned the objective of liberating the small village of Raddon-et-Chapendu. It […]
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