
August 21, 2024

“Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living “Heart-Healthy Humor” (Part 3)

I enjoy being penning a bi-monthly column for the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine. In the July 2024 issue I addressed a couple of articles on […]
August 21, 2024

August 21, 1944 – D-Day +6 in southern France

At four A.M. on Monday, August 21, 1944, an envoy appeared at the Task Force Butler command post at Aspres with a message from General Truscott: […]
August 22, 2024

August 22, 1944 – Phil’s first letter home from southern France and instructions for V-MAIL

On D-Day +7, one week after the D-Day landing in southern France, Dad finally had time to write home.
August 23, 2024

August 23, 1944 – Chasing the retreating German Army up the Rhone Valley with the help of the French Resistance

The 30th Infantry sent out a motorized patrol shortly after noon August 22, to Lançon, which came from the south through La Fare and reported no […]
August 24, 2024

August 24, 1944 – Sgt Norman Mohar writes about chasing Nazis up the Rhone Valley

Dad’s 30 th Infantry Regiment had turned north and was quickly driving up the Rhone Valley.[1] One of the men in dad’s unit, Sgt. Norman Mohar […]
August 25, 2024

August 25, 1944 – Dad takes a break from chasing German soldiers to write an optimistic letter home

While Dad and his men were racing up the Rhone Valley chasing the German 19th Army, now 10 days since the southern France D-Day (the 30th […]
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