Men’s Health

October 28, 2022

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 29, is the DEA National RX Take-Back Day

If you have old, out-of-date prescription, non-prescription, or natural medicines (herbs, vitamins, or supplements) that you’d like to safely dispose of a no charge, then you’ll […]
October 27, 2022

Thursday Ask Dr. Walt – What about energy drinks?

Dear Dr. Walt, I’m leery of all these energy drinks and shots my teenage grandchildren drink all the time. The kids feel they get an extra boost […]
October 26, 2022

Exercise boosts brain function in kids with obesity

A 109-person study published in JAMA Network Open suggests that a sustained regimen of resistance and aerobic exercise may improve academics, intelligence, and multitasking ability in […]
October 25, 2022

Tuesday Patient Stories – Kissimmee Tales Chapter 8A – Katie

For the next few months, I’m excerpting chapters from the first of two books about my early years in family medicine in Kissimmee, Florida – The […]
October 24, 2022

Drinking decaffeinated, ground, or instant coffee significantly reduces new CVD and premature death

Medscape reports, “Drinking two to three daily cups of coffee, including ground, instant, or decaffeinated coffee, is associated with significant reductions in new cardiovascular disease (CVD) and […]
October 22, 2022

Saturday Book Report – A sweet note about several of my books

A retired Ob-Gyn physician named Charlotte recently sent me a sweet note that I thought you might want to see:
October 21, 2022

Former smokers adhering to health recommendations reduce premature death

If you are a former smoker or a current smoker who stops, you have automatically dramatically reduced your risk of premature death. But, do you want […]
October 20, 2022

Thursday Ask Dr. Walt – The Bible and Physical Health

  Dear Dr. Walt, Jesus says only the sick need a doctor (Mark 2:17). Does the Bible say much about healthy living? Theologically Growing in Tennessee
October 27, 2021

What is the new alarm about fake pain pills and fatalities?

The Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, issued a public warning that a growing number of fake pills bought online are laced with potentially lethal amounts of the synthetic […]
November 3, 2021

How can you beat hard-to-control hypertension?

According to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure, or hypertension accounts for more heart disease and stroke deaths than almost all other preventable causes together. It’s […]
November 6, 2021

Brain Health Q&A in my “Ask Dr. Walt” column in Today’s Christian Living

I enjoy being able to answer questions from the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine in my “Ask Dr. Walt” column. Here are my Q&As from the November 2021 […]
November 8, 2021

Can missing sleep cause excessive snacking?

Researchers from Ohio State University wanted to study how sleep duration affected dietary choices. To do so, they analyzed data from nearly 20,000 U.S. adults ranging […]
November 9, 2021

What supplements help prevent or treat Alzheimer’s or dementia? warns that some proprietary formulas made up of several dietary supplements may promise more of a benefit than clinical evidence suggests.
December 13, 2021

Researchers find industrial plastics in majority of fast food items

The Washington Post reports, “A new study reports that far too often, small amounts of industrial chemicals called phthalates . . . have been found in samples of food […]