Health Headlines

January 16, 2012

ADHD medications NOT associated with adult CVD risk

The Wall Street Journal reports that medications used for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) appear NOT to raise the risk of serious cardiovascular disease (CVD) […]
January 15, 2012

DASH diet helps lower risk of cardiovascular diseases

The Detroit Free Press discussed the advantages of healthy eating and exercise. “The American Heart Association says cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 cause of death […]
January 14, 2012

I hope you’ll give my brand new devotional a look

It’s been 10 years in the making … and it’s now available … so, if you’ve not seen or signed up for my daily devotional, “Morning […]
January 13, 2012

Low carb diet trumps low-cal for reducing weight and cancer risk

The Chicago Tribune reported, “Following a low-carb diet, even for only two days a week, was better than following a calorie-restricted diet every day for losing weight […]
January 13, 2012

Study links heart-health risk factors to childhood obesity

The St. Louis (MO) Post-Dispatch reported that a study in the medical journal Obesity fond that “heart-health risk factors such as dangerous cholesterol levels and artery inflammation […]
January 12, 2012

Carbohydrate-rich foods linked to increased breast cancer risk

The Los Angeles Times “Booster Shots” blog reports that “increased carbohydrate intake was associated with a higher rate of breast cancer recurrence in survivors of the disease,” […]
January 12, 2012

Kids’ cereals loaded with sugar

Most children’s cereals do NOT meet proposed federal guidelines for food marketed to kids, according to a report from Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research […]
January 11, 2012

FDA, FTC warn companies to stop selling HCG diet products

The AP reports that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued warning letters to seven companies, ordering them “to stop selling an unproven weight loss remedy that […]
September 9, 2009

Grade the President’s Healthcare Reform Speech Tonight

President Obama has had a month to listen to the American people on the topic of healthcare reform. For a month, thoughtful Americans have gone to town […]
September 9, 2009

Healthcare Reform that Most Americans Support

Readers have sent notes to this blog asking, in essence, “Dr. Walt, what healthcare reform do you support?” And, in his labor day speech about healthcare […]
September 9, 2009

Sarah Palin Bashes Rationing in Health Care Bills

Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has penned an opinion column running in the Wall Street Journal that again bashes Obama and Congress. She expands on her […]
September 9, 2009

President Obama’s Speech on Healthcare Reform – Did He Lie?

Earlier today, I gave you a report card you could use to grade the President’s speech tonight on healthcare reform. By my count, the president failed […]
September 10, 2009

FDA panel backs Gardasil (HPV vaccine) safety and efficacy for genital warts in young men

News outlets are reporting that an FDA advisory panel “endorsed the use of” Merck’s Gardasil “for boys and young men.” The panel “voted in favor of […]
September 10, 2009

More Outrage about President Obama’s “Misrepresentations” in His Healthcare Reform Speech Last Night

Last night, after the President’s speech to Congress on healthcare reform, I asked, “Did He Lie?” Then, I shared with you a number of misrepresentations he […]