Health Headlines

April 7, 2009

Should you use camphor products, like Vicks VapoRub, on your kids? Dr. Walt says no.

The Prescriber’s Letter reports that camphor-containing products such as Vicks VapoRubare now being used more frequently in children due to the recent warnings about NOT using cough […]
April 7, 2009

Study shows one-fifth of four-year-olds are obese. What can you do to protect your kids?

A striking new study says almost one in five American four-year-olds is obese, and the rate is alarmingly higher among American Indian children. What did the […]
April 3, 2009

Faith-Based Health and Healing – Part 9 – Life Energy and Medical Magic

Alternative therapies based on “life energy” use principles just like those generally attributed to magic. Although “magic” is difficult to define concisely, magical practices do have […]
April 1, 2009

News Flash: Experimental Ebola Vaccine Used On Human – this actual headline is part of the story line for Dr. Walt’s first novel

It was a nightmare scenario: A scientist accidentally pricked her finger with a needle used to inject the deadly Ebola virus into lab mice. Within hours, […]
April 1, 2009

Study indicates inexpensive polypill pill may significantly reduce risk of heart attack and stroke. Should you consider it?

On the March 30th edition of the ABC World News, Charles Gibson reported, “Some of the country’s leading heart doctors heard results” yesterday at the American […]
March 27, 2009

Faith-Based Health and Healing – Part 8 – Illegitimate Spiritual Practices.

Alternative medicine as a whole is not rooted in any particular religious tradition, but some therapies are. A number of healing rituals and traditions are part […]
March 25, 2009

Parents continue to have unwarranted fears and delusions about pediatric vaccines.

Infants and children get a lot of shots (vaccinations) to prevent against many different potentially fatal diseases. For this reason, parents or caregivers sometimes ask us […]
August 5, 2011

Does finger length predict a private part’s length in men?

Forgive me, but I just couldn’t resist posting this. For it turns out, the relative length of a man’s index and ring fingers might be a […]
August 5, 2011

Magazine photoshopping linked to eating disorders

ABC World News reported, “Just about every magazine in the world does it – tweaks those cover photos and glamour shots to perfection.” But, ABC correspondent Linsey […]
August 7, 2011

Vitamin D3 may improve survival among women

Vitamin D3 may improve survival among older women, particularly those who are institutionalized, according to a meta-analysis published in the Cochrane Review.
August 7, 2011

Healthy lifestyle leads to a 92% reduction in sudden cardiac death in women

Adherence to a healthier lifestyle was significantly associated with a lower risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in a new analysis from the Nurses’ Health Study.
August 8, 2011

Late talking toddlers tend to do fine as they grow up

This study will be as reassuring to parents as the “picky eaters do fine as they grow up” studies did. A new study in the journal Pediatrics is reporting […]
August 9, 2011

Shock: Thousands of UK abortions of disabled and Down syndrome babies

In a past I blogged in the past on the contention that “More than 90% of women carrying a child with Down Syndrome choose abortion.” Readers […]