Health Headlines

May 19, 2024

May 19, 1944 — D-Day for the Anzio breakout set

On May 19, 1944, General Truscott of VI Corps ordered concentrations for the attack, with D-day set for the 21st. [1]
May 19, 2024

Day 4 — Our Great Britain and Ireland Adventure

We’re in the middle of the London portion of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and dreamed we could […]
May 20, 2024

May 20, 1944 — The first warning order to move up and out from Anzio

Near the end of May, the 30th Infantry was ready. The command team studied every detail of the terrain, noting where the enemy strongpoints were. The […]
May 20, 2024

Day 5 — Our Great Britain and Ireland Adventure

This was our last full day in London, the first portion of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and […]
May 21, 2024

May 21, 1944 — Phil’s last letter home before the Anzio breakout commenced

Before the massive breakout from the Anzio beachhead was to commence, Phil wrote his last letter home from the “bitch head.”
May 21, 2024

May 21, 1944 — The horrific number of casualties on Anzio

Both VI Corps and the enemy suffered heavy losses in combat casualties during the four months between the Allied landing at Anzio on 22 January and […]