Alternative Medicine

May 26, 2024

MEMORIAL DAY TRIBUTE – The “Forgotten Front” of WWII

Inspired by a war-scarred field of bright red poppies that he saw in the spring of 1915, Canadian Soldier Lt. Col. John McCrae wrote the powerful […]
May 25, 2024

Day 10 — Our Scotland and Ireland Adventure

We’re close to finishing our time in Scotland, the second portion of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and […]
May 25, 2024

May 25, 1944 — Phil and his men continue toward Rome

The 30th Infantry had no time to rest and lick its wounds. Phil and his men pressed their advantage and continued to move toward Rome.[1]
May 25, 2024

MEMORIAL DAY TRIBUTE – Teach your children and grandchildren well

Each Memorial Day weekend, one of my favorite tributes and reminders of what this holiday means comes from my friend, Gary Bauer. I hope his post […]
May 24, 2024

Day 9 — Our Scotland and Ireland Adventure

Now in Scotland, we on the second portion of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and dreamed we could […]
May 24, 2024

May 24, 1944 — “The bitch is dead” at Anzio

Phil and his remaining men joined what was left of Companies A, G, and L in three additional attacks on new objectives throughout the afternoon. [1]
May 23, 2024

Day 8 — Our Scotland and Ireland Adventure

We’re on the second portion, the Scottish portion, of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and dreamed we could […]
May 23, 2024

May 23, 1944 — The first day of the Anzio breakout saw the 3rd Division suffering nearly 1000 casualties – the heaviest on our side

At 0545 on 23 May, a tremendous Allied artillery barrage was directed against the enemy defenses along the Cisterna front. Forty-five minutes later, American tanks and […]
January 5, 2009

Doctors Debate Delayed Vaccine Schedule

There are fears among some parents that the current regimen of infant vaccinations involves too many vaccines too soon. Adding to these fears is Dr. Robert […]
January 5, 2009

Dr. Walt’s Most Popular Blogs of 2008

If you follow Dr. Walt’s blogs, you might be interested in his most popular posts of the last year. Or, if you’re new to this blog, […]
January 7, 2009

Debunking The Myth of “Detoxification”

Medical News Today has a report from a group of over 300 young UK scientists and engineers who investigated the evidence behind claims made for products […]
January 9, 2009

Majority of Docs Believe In Miracles

A new national study among 1,134 physicians revealed that the majority (72%) believe that miracles have occurred in the past and 70% believe that they can […]
January 21, 2009

Faith-Based Health and Healing – Part 1 – What does the Bible say about health?

I co-wrote a best-selling and evidence-based book on alternative and complimentary medicine with my good friend, Dónal O’Mathúna, PhD, titled, Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook (the […]
January 30, 2009

Faith-Based Health and Healing – Part 2 – What Value Should We Place on Our Health?

Good Health Can Become an Idol Many of the more recent controversial developments in conventional medicine (cloning, assisted suicide, embryo research) have arisen because some believe […]