World War II Blogs

August 11, 2023

A Guide to Non-Sugar Sweeteners

I enjoy being able to answer questions from the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine in my “Ask Dr. Walt” column. In the July 2023 issue, I […]
August 9, 2023

Colorado Springs man discovers father’s WWII story

It’s amazing how the Lord can bring some wonderful folks into our lives. My wife, Barb, does Jazzercize 2-3 times a week. She loves the dance […]
August 7, 2023

Ask Dr. Walt 14 – Essential #7 – The essential of a positive self-image OR How to see yourself as your Creator sees you

Did you know your self-image, or lack thereof, can have a direct effect on your physical and emotional health, as well as your overall well-being? We’ll […]
August 4, 2023

My father – My hero and now an Army 3rd Infantry Division hero

I’m over the moon and delighted to share with you some great news. My father and my hero, MAJ Philip B. Larimore, Jr., was inducted into […]
August 2, 2023

Monthly Family Update – August 2023

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: My Father inducted into the 3rd Infantry Division’s Marne Hall of Fame Colorado Springs station’s coverage of Dad […]
July 31, 2023

Ask Dr. Walt 13 – Essential #6 – Cultivate a Positive Spirituality OR The Essential of Spiritual Health (Part 2)

Did you know your spiritual health, or lack thereof, can have a direct effect on your physical and emotional health, as well as your overall and […]
July 28, 2023

How to Cherish Your Wife (Part 2)

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of the talk I gave to a large group of physicians and their spouses at Focus on the Family (FOTF) […]
July 26, 2023

How to Cherish Your Wife (Part 1)

I gave a talk to a large group of physicians and their spouses at Focus on the Family (FOTF) in Colorado Springs back in the 1990s. […]
June 4, 2024

June 4, 1944 — The liberation of the Eternal City begins – as do the arguments – “Who got to Rome first?”

Precisely who crossed Rome’s city limits early on Sunday, June 4, 1944, would be disputed for decades. Various units claimed the honor by filling out affidavits […]
June 5, 2024

June 5, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 1)

On June 5th, 1944 the city of Rome was liberated by the allied armies in Italy.[1]
June 5, 2024

June 5, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 2)

Across the now liberated capital of Italy, the Eternal City, Rome, the celebration continued through Monday afternoon, June 5, 1944.[1]
June 6, 2024

June 6, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 3) but quickly overshadowed by Overlord

At 0600 hours on Tuesday, June 6, 1944, an aide woke Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark, the commander of the Fifth Army and the youngest three-star […]
June 7, 2024

June 7, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 4)

The stunning beauty of Rome provided some R&R for Phil and the exhausted, sweat-and-blood-soaked, sore-footed infantrymen.[1]
June 7, 2024

June 7, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 5)

On 7 June 1944, General O’Daniel received a teletype which read, “Please give my old division, the Third, my thanks, and to my first regiment in […]