The average infantryman had the pockets of his combat jacket crammed with rations, shaving articles, pictures, cigarettes, candy, dry socks, writing paper and pens, and mess […]
On January 26, while the 30th Infantry Regiment was resting and recuperating, the 1st Battalion of the 15th Infantry was passing by, heading to the front. […]
Finally, after thirty-six hours of nonstop fighting, the men from the [30th Infantry Regiment] holding the Maison Rouge bridgehead were relieved by men from the 15th. […]
In the darkness after midnight, German armor freely roamed the fields around the Maison Rouge Bridge. General O’Daniel, 3rd Division Commander, informed Colonel McGarr [30th Infantry […]
Phil’s thoughts were interrupted by hearing and feeling the tremors from massive detonations. He looked back at Holtzwihr. Several buildings exploded while others erupted in fire. […]
At 0755 hours, General O’Daniel [commanding general, 3rd Infantry Division] radioed Colonel McGarr [commander, 30th Infantry Regiment], impressing on him the need for speed and the […]
Past midnight, Phil’s 3rd Battalion, commanded now by Major Robert B. Pridgen, trudged slowly through the deep snow, cutting southeast through a thick forest known as the Forêt […]
The Colmar Pocket was in the heart of Alsace, where most of the citizens spoke French and German. The Allied soldiers found it increasingly difficult to tell […]
On January 20, the 30th Regiment held its usual pre-battle awards ceremony, this time in a blinding snowstorm. Ceremonies usually marked the conclusion of one regimental […]
The average infantryman had the pockets of his combat jacket crammed with rations, shaving articles, pictures, cigarettes, candy, dry socks, writing paper and pens, and mess […]
On January 26, while the 30th Infantry Regiment was resting and recuperating, the 1st Battalion of the 15th Infantry was passing by, heading to the front. […]
Finally, after thirty-six hours of nonstop fighting, the men from the [30th Infantry Regiment] holding the Maison Rouge bridgehead were relieved by men from the 15th. […]
In the darkness after midnight, German armor freely roamed the fields around the Maison Rouge Bridge. General O’Daniel, 3rd Division Commander, informed Colonel McGarr [30th Infantry […]
Phil’s thoughts were interrupted by hearing and feeling the tremors from massive detonations. He looked back at Holtzwihr. Several buildings exploded while others erupted in fire. […]
At 0755 hours, General O’Daniel [commanding general, 3rd Infantry Division] radioed Colonel McGarr [commander, 30th Infantry Regiment], impressing on him the need for speed and the […]
Past midnight, Phil’s 3rd Battalion, commanded now by Major Robert B. Pridgen, trudged slowly through the deep snow, cutting southeast through a thick forest known as the Forêt […]
The Colmar Pocket was in the heart of Alsace, where most of the citizens spoke French and German. The Allied soldiers found it increasingly difficult to tell […]
On January 20, the 30th Regiment held its usual pre-battle awards ceremony, this time in a blinding snowstorm. Ceremonies usually marked the conclusion of one regimental […]