World War II Blogs

December 5, 2022

Is morning or afternoon exercise best?

Eat This, Not That reports, “Exercise can offer many benefits” at least “for people aged 50 and older.”
December 3, 2022

Saturday Book Report – More great news about my WWII book “At First Light”

My and Mike Yorkey’s epic book about my father’s WWII exploits (he was the youngest and one of the most decorated front-line officers in WWII) came […]
December 2, 2022

Monthly Family Update – December 2022

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: Order signed and personalized copies of my books Mark your calendar: At First Light to be featured on […]
December 1, 2022

Thursday Ask Dr. Walt – Dangerous weight-loss supplements

Dear Dr. Walt, on your blog two weeks ago, you mentioned that weight-loss supplements could cause harm. Like what? — Interested in Indiana
November 30, 2022

Is too much social media use linked to decline in mental health?

Futurism reports, “As a new education and public policy study reveals, young adults across multiple personality types who begin using social media for five hours or more […]
November 29, 2022

Tuesday Patient Stories – Kissimmee Tales Chapter 10A – Our Town

For the next few months, I’m excerpting chapters from the first of two books about my early years in family medicine in Kissimmee, Florida – The […]
November 28, 2022

How dangerous is getting less than five hours of sleep a day?

Health reports, “Getting five hours of sleep or less at night could put older adults at a higher risk of developing multiple chronic problems.”
November 26, 2022

HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL – Autographed and Personalized Books

Here’s a great gift idea — either purchase for yourself, a loved one, or a friend, a book or books from me, autographed and personalized. 
September 9, 2024

September 9, 1944 – Troop fatigue was affecting both officers and men as casualties climbed

On 9 September General Butler, who had returned to his post as assistant VI Corps commander after Montelimar, noted the declining aggressiveness of the front-line troops […]
September 10, 2024

September 10, 1944 – A momentous and  historic turning point in the European Battles of WWII

Then came a momentous and  historic turning point in the European Battles of WWII. It occurred during the night of September 10-11, 1944.[1]
September 11, 2024

September 11, 1944 – WWII heroes Winston Churchill and Audie Murphy write about the coming hell in the Vosges

Dijon, France, was liberated by the Resistance Movement on the 11th of September, 1944. On that day “Dragoon” (the D-Day of 8/15/44) and “Overlord” (the D-Day […]
September 12, 2024

September 12, 1944 – The capture of Vesoul officially ended the Campaign of Southern France

Dad’s 3rd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, prepared for an all out attack on Mt. Jesus and Vesoul, moving in from the west.[1]
September 13, 2024

September 13, 1944 – After only 29 days the US heroes had moved over 400 miles into France

By mid September, after just one month of operations in France after the D-Day of August 15, 2044, Dad’s VI Corps had driven its advance as […]
September 14, 2024

September 14, 1944 – The toughest nut in the Nazi’s long defensive line from the North Sea to the Swiss border lay just ahead of Dad and his men

There could be no question that the Seventh Army’s advance northwards from the Riveria in the summer and early fall of 1944 had been brilliantly executed. […]