World War II Blogs

December 27, 2022

Which sports drinks, powders, and pills deliver the right electrolytes?

For many years, I’ve strongly recommended for evidence-based and trustworthy advice about purchasing or ingesting herbs, vitamins, or supplements. This week I’m running some samples […]
December 26, 2022

Is your chocolate or cocoa healthful or toxic?

For many years, I’ve strongly recommended for evidence-based and trustworthy advice about purchasing or ingesting herbs, vitamins, or supplements. This week I’m running some samples […]
December 24, 2022

Don’t let the holiday turkey make your family or friends sick

A case of food poisoning can ruin anyone’s holidays. So take care of your turkey to reduce your risk of foodborne illness. The American Dietetic Association offers […]
December 23, 2022

Holidays are a great time to know and act on your family’s medical history

Whether you know a lot about your family health history or only a little, take time to talk to your family about their health histories this […]
December 22, 2022

How to prevent holiday depression and stress

This last week, I saw three patients in the office all suffering from holiday depression. One was a grandmother who had suffered the tragic loss of […]
December 21, 2022

Keep diabetes in check during the holidays

For those of you who are diabetics, holiday parties, desserts, and buffets can throw your meal plan way off-track. Here are some tips from HealthDay News:
December 20, 2022

How to survive those holiday buffets

Too many holiday party buffet tables loaded with decadent treats can lead to overstuffed plates — and overstuffed pants. So, here are some tips from HealthDay […]
December 19, 2022

Give yourself the gift of a stress-free holiday

Here are some steps you can take (if not this year, next) to protect your and your family’s health by keeping it simple during the Christmas […]
August 23, 2024

August 23, 1944 – Chasing the retreating German Army up the Rhone Valley with the help of the French Resistance

The 30th Infantry sent out a motorized patrol shortly after noon August 22, to Lançon, which came from the south through La Fare and reported no […]
August 24, 2024

August 24, 1944 – Sgt Norman Mohar writes about chasing Nazis up the Rhone Valley

Dad’s 30 th Infantry Regiment had turned north and was quickly driving up the Rhone Valley.[1] One of the men in dad’s unit, Sgt. Norman Mohar […]
August 25, 2024

August 25, 1944 – Dad takes a break from chasing German soldiers to write an optimistic letter home

While Dad and his men were racing up the Rhone Valley chasing the German 19th Army, now 10 days since the southern France D-Day (the 30th […]
August 26, 2024

August 26, 1944 – The horrors of the Battle of Montelimar

The surprised, shaken and disorganized German 19th Army, feeling the weight of our advance, harassed from all sides, and recognizing the precariousness of its position, tried […]
August 27, 2024

August 27, 1944 – Dad and his best friend create a life-long memory fighting together as one

On the morning of August 27, Phil was attached to a reconnaissance patrol with his good friend Ross Calvert, who was then the 3rd Battalion S-2. […]
August 28, 2024

August 28, 1944 – The horrors of Montelimar for the retreating Germans

“There’s nothing I don’t know about war.  The stench of it … War is a terrible thing.” Don McCullin, award-winning war photographer.[1]