
March 14, 2024

March 14, 1944 – Skirmishes increase on the Anzio front line

The countless stone houses of standard design lined the few roads across the Anzio beachhead. To the front of Dad’s units the stone farm houses were […]
March 13, 2024

March 13, 1944 – Stories of Army nurses in WWII that will swell your heart

While writing the early drafts of my book, At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse, […]
March 13, 2024

Largest COVID vaccine study yet finds up to 3 times greater risk? True or false?

https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2024/02/19/covid-vaccines-linked-to-small-increase-in-heart-and-brain-disorders-study-finds-but-risk-from-infection-is-far-higher/?sh=6a31bf5c60ffA dear friend was deeply alarmed by this recent news headline, “Largest Covid vaccine study yet finds up to 3 times greater risk.” He wrote, “I […]
March 12, 2024

March 12, 1944 – Dad’s admiration for the amazing Army nurses

While still an inpatient at the field hospital on the Anzio beachhead, Dad wrote home and expressed great admiration for the nurses there.
March 11, 2024

March 11, 1944 – Hospitalized on Anzio with malaria

After dinner that evening at the field hospital on the Anzio beachhead, Second Lieutenant Phil Larimore, who had been hospitalized with malaria, felt well enough to […]
March 10, 2024

Should one pray for healing only versus seeking medical care only?

In my over 40 years as a physician, I’ve had to counsel many patients who have a deep religious faith who wrestle with choosing praying for […]
March 10, 2024

March 10, 1944 – Dad comes down with malaria

The Anzio Beachhead quieted down and took on the characteristics of garrison life. Because Phil and his men spent a lot of time in wet trenches, […]
March 9, 2024

March 9, 1944 – Letters home from the Anzio beachhead

After a long-night’s work, from dusk to first light, on the Anzio beachhead, Dad and his A&P platoon would head back to Regimental Headquarters for breakfast […]
June 18, 2024

June 18, 1944 — The most uncomfortable back massages in the history of the Army

Sgt. Norman Mohar continues his letter home about the 3rd Division’s training at Pozzuoli, Italy.
June 19, 2024

June 19, 1944 — I was very homesick and the training was intense

Dad’s 3rd Infantry Division’s move from Rome was undertaken commencing June 19, 1944. All wheeled vehicles and personnel, except infantry foot elements moved overland to the […]
June 20, 2024

June 20, 1944 — Sgt. Norman Mohar writes home from Italy

Sgt. Norman Mohar continues his letter home about the 3rd Division’s training at Pozzuoli, Italy, not far from Naples. [1]
June 23, 2024

June 23, 1944 — Where would the final D-Day in Europe occur?

From 23 Jun to 28 Jun 44. the 30th Infantry Regiment as part of the 3rd Infantry Division and the Seventh Army prepared for an extended […]
June 26, 2024

June 26, 1944 — Dear Mom, If people only knew how much mail means to soldiers overseas

While Phil and his men prepared for an extended intensive training period, he wrote home.
June 27, 2024

June 27, 1944 — The last few days in June and the entire month of July were devoted to rigorous training

The last few days in June and the entire month of July were devoted to rigorous training.