Monthly Family Update — July 2024

June 28, 1944 — Intensive training for the coming large-scale amphibious operation (D-day)
June 28, 2024
July 1, 1944 — Please send some candy
July 1, 2024
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Monthly Family Update — July 2024

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: 

  1. A special July 4 podcast is coming up
  2. Have you signed up for my daily devotional, “What the Bible Says About …”?
  3. List of last month’s blogs at
  4. List of last month’s WWII blogs

1. A special July 4 podcast is coming up

I was honored to be interviewed by Kim Munson on her podcast “America’s Veteran’s Stories” on Father’s Day (06/14/24) but saved it for today. I hope you and yours will take time this July 4th holiday weekend to listen to it here and that you will be inspired by the suffering, sacrifices, and forgotten successes in WWII that bought with blood and lives the freedom we celebrate today.

You’ll learn about the youngest commissioned Army officer in WWII (and one of the most decorated) who fought over 400 days on the “Forgotten Front” in Southern Europe in WWII. You’ll also be astounded by one amazing horse.

It’s a story about my dad, Philip B. Larimore, Jr. The podcast was titled, “At First Light: 2nd Lieutenant Phil Larimore’s Heroic World War II Story.”

2. Have you signed up for my daily devotional, “What the Bible Says About …”?

 My Bible-based devotional, “What the Bible Says About …” was released on 03/31/24 on the YouVersion app. I’m so happy to let you know that it has almost 7,900 subscribers and has received an average rating of 4.65 out of 5, which just blows me away. You can sign up (for free) by:

  • Downloading the YouVersion app and register (it’s free)
  • Click on the “Discover” or “Search” icon (🔎)
  • Type in “Larimore”
  • Click on the plan “What the Bible Says About”
  • Click on “Start Plan”

You can also look at the devotional/Bible reading plan in your browser here.

Recent devotions have included “What the Bible Says About …”, “The Kingdom of Heaven,” “A Different Focus,” “A Different Calling,” “A Different Path,” “A Different Success,” and “The Hand of God.”

3. List of last month’s blogs at

Please let friends and family know that they can subscribe for free to the new blog here.

4. List of last month’s WWII blogs in my continuing series: “Where Was Phil Larimore 80 Years Ago Today?”

I’m continuing a blog on most days for the next 12 months or so following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. Each blog will represent what he and the men with whom he was fighting were doing 80 years ago on the exact day of the blog. Here are last month’s blogs:


Could I ask a favor? Could you let friends and family who are WWII aficionados know about the blog? They can sign up for it at

5. Last Month’s Happenings
  • Jun 4: We returned home after a wonderful 3-week pilgrimage to London, Scotland, and Ireland. You can click on this link to last month’s newsletter for details and pictures as well as some of the Ireland links above.
  • Barb’s sister, Sue, and her new puppy, Georgie, visited us from Baton Rouge for a lovely 10 days. We had such a nice visit and time together.
6. Upcoming Events
  • We’re looking forward to spending the Independence Day holidays in Atlanta with Scott, Jen, Katherine, and Sarah.
7. Past Three Editions
  • June 2024
    • Marvelous Adventures in Great Britain and Ireland
    • “What the Bible Says About …” daily devotional has taken off
    • “Ask Dr. Walt” column in May’s Today’s Christian Living magazine
  • May 2024
    • Kate and Charles confirmed
    • Proud of Scott, also
    • A sweet encouragement from an old friend
    • “What the Bible Says About …” daily devotional just released
    • “Vaccine News You Can Use” for Family Physicians – Spring 2024
  • April 2024
    • ARMY magazine carries an article about my father’s WWII exploits
    • “What the Bible Says About …” daily devotional just released
    • At First Light released in soft cover
    • “Ask Dr. Walt” column in March’s Today’s Christian Living magazine on high cholesterol

© Copyright WLL, INC. 2024.

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