Ask Dr. Walt 33 – Reducing Depression This New Year

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Ask Dr. Walt 33 – Reducing Depression This New Year

A report from the World Health Organization warned of an epidemic that has become the leading cause of disability in the world, affecting more than 300 million people worldwide. It’s undergoing a dramatic increase in the number of people living with or dying from it and it strikes down young people, elderly people, and women. It’s not COVID, it’s depression, and we’ll talk about it on today’s episode of Ask Dr. Walt.

From 2021-2022, I was honored to host a TV show on LiftableTV, “Ask Dr. Walt.”

A report from the World Health Organization warned of an epidemic that has become the leading cause of disability in the world, affecting more than 300 million people worldwide. It’s undergoing a dramatic increase in the number of people living with or dying from it and it strikes down young people, elderly people, and women. It’s not COVID, it’s depression, and we’ll talk about it this edition of Ask Dr. Walt.

You can click below to watch a video of the show, or I’ve put the show transcript at the end of the blog if you’d prefer.


You can read more about reducing stress, anxiety, and depression in a couple of books that you can find on my website, One is Fit over 50: Make Simple Choices for a Healthier, Happier You and the other is 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People: Becoming and staying highly healthy. Just go to and click on the books tab.


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Disclaimer: The Ask Dr. Walt show is designed for entertainment purposes to give information on various medical conditions, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to help you be a more informed consumer of medical and health services.



Reducing Depression This New Year

Guest: Dwight Bain


A report from the World Health Organization warned of an epidemic that has become the leading cause of disability in the world, affecting more than 300 million people worldwide. It’s undergoing a dramatic increase in the number of people living with or dying from it and it strikes down young people, elderly people, and women. It’s not COVID, it’s depression, and we’ll talk about it on today’s episode of Ask Dr. Walt.


Hi, everyone. I’m family physician Dr. Walt Larimore and today we’ll be talking about a potentially life-threatening condition, depression, which we doctors call depressive disorder. It is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It’s a serious health condition that can impact emotional, relational, physical, and even spiritual health. Left untreated, depression can be devastating for those who have it and their families. Fortunately, with early detection, diagnosis, and a treatment plan that can consisting of medication, counseling, and healthy lifestyle choices, most people can and do get better. Some will only experience one depressive episode in a lifetime, but for most, depressive disorder recurs. Without treatment, episodes may last months to several years. It’s not uncommon. Experts say more than 19 million U.S. adults—nearly eight percent of the population had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. And it can hit people of all ages and all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Joining us to talk about depressive disorder is a previous guest, Dwight Bain. Dwight has guided thousands of people through challenging times as an Author, Nationally Certified Counselor, Certified Leadership Coach, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and former Family Law Mediator. Dwight, welcome back to Ask Dr. Walt.


  • Dwight, we hear a lot about depression these days. Are people actually more depressed, or do they just talk about it more?
  • What are some common symptoms of depression?
  • What are some common causes?
  • Are there different types of depression our viewers should be concerned about?
  • How can you tell the difference between depression and grief or sadness?
  • Does depression affect seniors more than other age group?
  • Does depression affect kids or seniors differently than it affects adults?
  • What does the Bible say about depression?
  • Some professionals are talking about patients languishing after many months of Covid crisis – is that different from depression?
  • What are the most effective treatments for depressive disorder?
  • How do you help a loved one who you think might have depression?
  • Finally, we’d be remiss not to mention the epidemic of suicide in some areas of our country. What do you recommend to people who have feelings of self-harm or who are worried about a friend or family member who may be suicidal?


You can read more about reducing stress, anxiety, and depression in a couple of books that you can find on my website, One is Fit over 50: Make Simple Choices for a Healthier, Happier You and the other is 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People: Becoming and staying highly healthy. Just go to and click on the books tab.

Also, if you have concerns about your or your family’s health you’d like us to consider in future programs, just drop me an email at One warning, I cannot answer specific questions about your individual health, but I bet you have plenty of great general questions to ask me, so send them in to, and we’ll get to as many as we can during future programs.

Until our next visit, let’s get moving together toward true health, and “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”

Disclaimer: The “Ask Dr. Walt” show is designed for entertainment purposes to give information on various medical conditions, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to help you be a more informed consumer of medical and health services.

© Copyright WLL, INC. 2023. This blog provides healthcare tips and advice that you can trust about a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.

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