My hero would have turned 99 today
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Ask Dr. Walt 39 – How to prepare healthy family meals you and your kids will crave
January 8, 2024Those of you that are parents of children and teens know how very important you are to your kid’s physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual health. And of course, we all want to have children that not only are as healthy as possible but grow up into healthy adults. What are the best ways to influence our children’s nutritional health? We’ll learn from an expert on today’s edition of Ask Dr. Walt.
From 2021-2022, I was honored to host a TV show on LiftableTV, “Ask Dr. Walt.”
Those of you that are parents of children and teens know how very important you are to your kid’s physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual health. And of course, we all want to have children that not only are as healthy as possible but grow up into healthy adults. What are the best ways to influence our children’s nutritional health? We’ll learn from an expert on today’s edition of Ask Dr. Walt.
You can click below to watch a video of the show, and I’ve put the show transcript at the end of the blog if you’d prefer.
Show 37 for Broadcast 01-24-22
Sherri Flynt, RND – Kids and Nutrition
Those of you that are parents of children and teens know how very important you are to your kid’s physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual health. And of course, we all want to have children that not only are as healthy as possible but grow up into healthy adults. What are the best ways to influence our children’s nutritional health? We’ll learn from an expert on today’s edition of Ask Dr. Walt.
Hi, everyone. I’m family physician Dr. Walt Larimore and I’m delighted you are taking the time today to join me in my home office as we continue our discussion about some of the essentials of having a highly healthy family. Joining me to explore just how to improve our children’s nutrition is a guest you met on a previous show, my friend, Sherri Flynt. Sherri has undergraduate degree in Health Education, a Master of Public Health degree, and has been a registered dietitian for over 30 years. She now manages the Center for Nutritional Excellence at AdventHealth in Orlando, Florida, where she leads a team that includes dietitians, an executive chef, an exercise specialist, and licensed clinical social worker, all of whom have a passion for helping people live their healthiest lives. I was blessed to have been able to co-aurhor a book with Sherri – an Amazon best-seller for parents titled “SuperSized Kids: How to Rescue Your Child from the Obesity Threat.” Sherri, welcome back to Ask Dr. Walt.
- A lot of families have considered whether to set New Year’s resolutions with their children. What are important things to keep in mind when making a New Year’s resolution with my child?
- We really are in an epidemic of childhood overweight and obesity, aren’t we? Just how bad is it?
- We all hear about being sure our kids have more fresh fruits and vegetables? How many fruits and vegetables should my child eat daily?
- Do I need to forbid certain foods for my child to be eating healthier?
- Should I be concerned about how many sugary beverages my child consumes daily?
- What about fruit juices?
- Do you consider dairy products healthy for children? Which ones and how much? Full fat, low fat, or no fat products?
- Is it important that I also eat the foods I ask my child to eat?
- How can I get my child interested in eating healthier foods?
- Is it important to have my child involved in meal planning and prep?
- Can it be harmful to put my child on a diet?
- My child is a picky eater, what tips might help with this?
Thank, Sherri.
And thanks to each of you for joining me for this episode of Ask Dr. Walt. I’d love for you to drop by my website and sign up for my free daily email. It’s DrWalt.com. That’s D-R-W-A-L-T.com. And, until our next visit, let’s get moving together toward true health – physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. And “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”
Disclaimer: The “Ask Dr. Walt” show is designed for entertainment purposes to give information on various medical conditions, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to help you be a more informed consumer of medical and health services.
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