Monthly Family Update – June 2023

The Writer’s Studio 07 – My Interview with Debbie Macomber (Part 1)
May 26, 2023
The Writer’s Studio 08 – My Interview with Debbie Macomber (Part 2)
June 2, 2023
Show all

Monthly Family Update – June 2023

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter:

  1. Would you consider supporting our 21st annual “Walk for Life” for Life Network?
  2. Upcoming blog posts at
  3. Latest reviews for At First Light

Finally, we had our last freeze and snowstorm in late April. Now the grass is coming up and our much need rain showers are helping some beautiful irises and columbines to burst into life in Barb’s garden. The weather here along the Front Range in the summer is spectacular.

1) Would you consider supporting our 21st annual “Walk for Life” for Life Network

Barb and I are so delighted to be participating in our 21st “Walk for Life” to support the incredible, life-affirming, and life-saving ministries of Life Network. We hoping to raise $25, 000 for Life Network. If you’d like to support our walk, click here. Thanks for considering this. We’ll be thinking of you and praying for you as we walk on Saturday, June 3, 2023.

2) Upcoming blog posts at

  • Mondays: “Ask Dr. Walt” may be the perfect blog for those wanting to be more “highly healthy.” Right now, I’m posting videos and transcripts that were broadcast on Liftable TV last year. Here’s what’s coming up this month as I continue reviewing “The Ten Essentials of Happy, Healthy People”:
    • June 5 — PREVENTING DISEASE AND DIS-EASE | Episode 6
    • June 19 — HEALTH AND FORGIVENESS | Episode 8
    • June 26 — WHAT COULD BE POISONING YOUR BODY? | Episode 9
  • Wednesdays: Personal Updates. I’ll be posting miscellaneous columns, articles, or presentations I’ve given, along with writing updates that might be of interest to readers.
  • Fridays: “The Inside Story,” the perfect blog for readers, writers, or those wanting to write a book.I’ll be running a series of videos that were broadcast on Liftable TV last year in which I interview well-known and mega-best-selling Christian authors and agents. Here are the upcoming episodes:
    • DEBBIE MACOMBER: My two-part interview (one part posted each Friday) of super-mega-best-selling author (over 200 million books sold and 7 book converted to Hallmark Hall of Fame movies), Debbie Macomber. In Part One, we’ll discuss Debbie’s background, how she got into writing, and how she actually got her first book published. In Part Two, you’ll learn some of her writing tips and tricks – how and when she writes, where she gets her ideas, etc.
    • STEVE ARTERBURN: My two-part interview (again, one part posted each Friday) with the best-selling author and Founder and Chairman of New Life Ministries, Steve Arterburn. In Part One, Steve shares how the Lord redeemed a terrible mistake during his college years into a writing ministry that has helped countless men and women around the world. In Part Two, In Part 2, Steve hare what he’s learned over the years about art and craft of writing.

Please let friends and family know that they can subscribe for free to the new blog here.

3) Latest Reviews for At First Light

I’m so grateful that my WWII book, At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse, continues to receive such nice reviews from readers. As of 5/21/23, the book has received over 94% 5-star ratings (438 of 464 reviews) In fact, the book has received ~94% (423 of 448 reviews) 5-star ratings on:

If you’ve read the book and have not yet submitted a rating on at least the top three sites above, please do. It would be a great favor to me and to others considering the book.

4) Last Month’s Happenings

  • May 3, Barb and I celebrated the finale of 4 months of the ReEngage Marriage Ministry at Academy Christian Church that we have the privilege of directing. Five leader couples, our teaching pastor, our administrative pastor, and 15 graduating couples had a recommitment ceremony and then a reception. It was a joyous occasion.
  • May 8, we flew to Atlanta to be with the Decatur Larimores
  • May 9, we drove to Charleston, SC, and spent two days with our dear friends, Ned and Kitt McLeod and shared dinner with old friends Jeff and Donna Birnbaum.
  • May 12, we drove to Beaufort, SC, to spent two days with our dear friends, Ken and Jane Daniel.
  • May 15, we drove to Savanah, GA, to spent two days with dear friends from Atlanta, Paul and Julie Lyons.
  • May 17, we were guests of General Charles Constanza, the commanding general of the 3rd Infantry Division, at his headquarters at Ft. Stewart. I was privileged to make a presentation about my WWII book, At First Light, to the senior command staff, do a book signing for them, and take a tour of the 3rd Infantry Division Museum at Ft. Stewart. If you’re ever in the Savanah, GA, area, it’s well worth a side trip to see this museum.
  • After the visit, wedrove back to Atlanta to finish this trip with Scott and the Grands
  • May 19, I flew home, and Barb flew to Baton Rouge.
  • May 19-31, Barb was in Baton Rouge caring for her sister as she recovers from surgery.


5) Upcoming Events

  • June 1, I’ll be presenting a webinar to Christian Health Professionals around the world for the International Christian Medical and Dental Associations (ICMDA) on the topic of “Faith Flags, Faith Stories, and Faith Prescriptions in Clinical Care.”
  • June 3, Barb and I will be participating in our 21st annual “Walk for Life” to support the amazing ministries of Life Network.
  • June 3-10, we’ll be blessed to have life-long friends from Louisiana, Sally Savage Foret and Carol Lambremont Smith here for a week’s visit.
  • June 7, Mike Chupp, MD, the CEO of the U.S. Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA) will be taping an interview with me for a future broadcast on the topic of “Understanding the Harm of Religious Struggle in Our Patients: How to Recognize and Refer.”
  • June 16-17, we will join another couple for a two-day driving tour into the grasslands and canyons of southeast Colorado. We’re especially looking forward to a ranger-led tour into Picket Wire Canyonlands.
  • June 30, Barb’s sister, Sue,

6) Past Three Editions

May 2023

  • New Blog Launch was successful
  • “Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living
  • “Vaccine News You Can Use” article (for Family Physicians)
  • Recent PR and reviews for At First Light

April 2023

  • New Blog Launch announced
  • “Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living
  • At First Light to be a featured book at the Louisiana Book Festival in October
  • Article: “Author Memorializes His Father’s Heroism”
  • Latest reviews for At First Light
  • “Living a Balanced Life” Podcast
  • Our Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

March 2023

  • Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
  • Worldwide Webinar to Healthcare Professionals on “Recognizing Religious Struggle”
  • Bryson City Tales coming out in an audiobook
  • Recent PR and reviews for At First Light
  • Excerpts from At First Light

© Copyright WLL, INC. 2023.


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