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September 19, 2022Saturday Book Report – “At First Light” named FINALIST in FIVE Page Turner Book Award Categories
The Page Turner Awards’ judges considered almost 1,000 nominations for their International Book Awards. My WWII book, At First Light , was nominated. So, what happened?
Drum roll, please! I’m delighted to announce that At First Light was just named to what they call a LONGLIST FINALIST! In fact, the book is a LONGLIST FINALIST in FIVE CATEGORIES:
- Best Book (Non-Fiction Biography)
- Best Cover
- Best Audiobook
- Best Co-Authored Book
- Best Golden Author Book (Author 60+ years old) 🙂
The next step will be for the judges to whittle their LONGLIST of FINALISTS (about 150 in each category) to a SHORTLIST of FINALISTS. The category shortlists of finalists will be announced later in September. Then, a winner in each category will be announced in October.
Long-time readers may remember that an early draft of the book was a Page Turner Book Award finalist and Patron Award winner in 2020.
Obviously, just to be nominated is a great honor. My hope and prayer are that these sorts of recognitions will help spread the word about the amazing suffering, sacrifices, and ultimate successes of the amazing, but almost-totally-forgotten, men and women who fought and served on the Southern European Front during WWII.
© Copyright WLL, INC. 2022.
Dr Walt,
My husband and I are thoroughly enjoying your books. I read the Bryson series and now I’m loving Best Medicine. Your wit and humor are second to none. Sometimes I find myself laughing out loud and crying too. My husband is reading At First Flight and said it is very good! I’m excited to tour Bryson City and see the landmarks you wrote about:)
Thanks for the kind words and feedback. They are an inspiration, encouragement, and blessing to me. BTW, when you get to Bryson City, drop by the Visitor Center and pick up the “Larimore Tour” brochure which will have a map of many of the sites mentioned in the books. After you visit, let me know what you think.
Dr. Walt