Alternative sweeteners in drinks may help with weight and diabetes risk
March 31, 2022
SNEAK PEAK – Part One – At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse
April 2, 2022Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter:
- At First Light World Premiere next week at LSU in Baton Rouge
- “Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living
1) At First Light World Premiere this week
The WWII book about my father and his unbelievable exploits, At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse, will not be released until April 19, but you can order it now at Amazon.
In the meantime, the World Premiere for At First Light will be in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, next week, on Thursday and Friday, April 7-8. It will coincide with the opening of the renovated LSU War Museum at the LSU Memorial Tower.
- 1100 AM – 100 PM: Family meal and reunion
- 200-315 PM: A book table and book signing on the Parade Ground at LSU before a President’s Day Event
- 315-430 PM: A walking tour of some of dad’s favorite places at LSU
- 430-600: Family meal and reunion
- 600-800 PM: Grand Opening of the LSU War Museum in the LSU Memorial Tower
- 800-1100 PM: A book tent and book signing outside the War Museum
- 1100 AM – 1:00 PM: A book signing at the LSU Barnes & Noble Bookstore.
Here are just a few of the many amazing endorsements:
“This story is extraordinary. An almost forgotten hero: tough combat, tragic sacrifice, a marvelous horse, and an astonishing ending. Don’t miss this remarkable book.”
—David H. Petraeus, U.S. Army (Ret.) four-star general and former CIA Director
What a fantastic story about a leader whose courage on the battlefield deserves a standing ovation. I highly recommend At First Light.”
—Mike Krzyzewski, Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Duke University and Naismith Hall of Fame member
“I love World War II books, and none is better than At First Light. It’s like a combination of Band of Brothers and War Horse—or perhaps a mixture of Unbroken and Seabiscuit. A mesmerizing page-turner not to be missed.”
—Pat Williams, co-founder of the NBA’s Orlando Magic
“Phil Larimore was a Dick Winters from the Band of Brothers-type of frontline, small-unit combat leader. At First Light has the makings of a great movie or Ken Burns miniseries.”
—Col. Alexander P. Shine, U.S. Army, Infantry and War College Professor (Ret.)
“One of the most fascinating stories of World War II. A heartwarming true story of a great American hero.”
—Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, U.S. Army (Ret.) three-star general
“A gripping five-star read!”
—Bob Welch, award-winning journalist and author
2) “Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living
I enjoy being able to answer questions from the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine in my “Ask Dr. Walt” column. Here are my Q&As from the March 2022 issue. I hope you’ll consider getting a subscription:
- Prebiotics versus Probiotics
- What are prebiotics? Are they different from probiotics? — Health Food Aficionado in Arizona
- Probiotics for General Health
- I’ve read on the Internet that probiotics are great for general health. That makes sense to me. Would you agree? — Seeking Veracity in Virginia
- Probiotics for Particular Disorders
- The more I read about probiotics, the more confused I become. What if anything do they help? — Ill-informed in Illinois
3) Answers to Last Month’s Prayers
- Mar 7-9, Barb and I had an absolutely delightful time in Las Vegas celebrating my 70th We did a lot of walking, ate some wonderful meals, and took in two terrific Cirque de Soileau shows (“O” and “LOVE”). The rest of the month I spent on planning and PR activities for the upcoming book release.
4) Prayer Requests for Upcoming Events
- April 5-9, Barb and I will be in Baton Rouge for a family visit, book signings, and PR activities.
- April 5-6, a family reunion with my brothers, their families, and dear friends
- April 7, two At First Light book signings at LSU
- April 8, one At First Light book signings at the LSU bookstore
- April 19, the official release of At First Light
- April 21-26. Barb and I will return to Baton Rouge for an additional family visit and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our high school graduation (which was canceled in both 2020 and 2021).
5) Past Issues of our family newsletter
- “At First Light” – Six weeks and counting to the April 19 release
- “At First Light” – World Premier on April 6-7 at LSU in Baton Rouge
- “At First Light” – Fabulous Endorsements continue
- “At First Light” – Sneak Peek at the Dust Cover
- Barb’s BIG Surprise Birthday Celebration
- “At First Light” – 77 days and counting to the April 19 release
- “At First Light” – World Premier on April 6
- “At First Light” – Fabulous Endorsements
- “Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living
- Last Day of Patient Care
- My Heart Catherization
- Book(s) Report (At First Light, The Best Gift, The Natural Medicines Handbook)
© Copyright WLL, INC. 2022. This blog provides healthcare tips and advice that you can trust about a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.
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waltlarimore@mac.com. Drop me an email when you get a moment. Thanks.